Chapter 27

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Quincey didn't want to go back to school, but he knew he eventually had to. Over the course of his hospital stay, he practiced writing with his other hand. Once learning how to legibly write with the hand, Quincey's mother signed off on the necessary medical forms.

He still had to keep his stitched hand wrapped up and inside the cast until it healed - but he was now free to go.

It was a Wednesday, meaning he had to get back to school tomorrow. A two day school week wasn't going to hurt. He needed to get back into the swing of things. It was his senior year and he had no more time to slack off.

His mother was still upset and disappointed in him, but she was happy that she still had her son. The bullet could have went somewhere else, but God didn't allow it. She told him that as long as he was living under her roof, he lived by her rules - but it seemed as if what she was doing wasn't enough.

He obviously didn't respect her enough to follow her rules - she thought - considering he still went to the party anyways. She just hoped that this was finally a wake up call for him and he would be smarter about future decisions.

Once being released from the hospital, they went straight home. After being stuck in the uncomfortable hospital bed, he was happy to finally be back in his own - which was way more comfortable.

But, he wasn't tired.

He needed something to do - someone to chill with or talk to. His mind automatically went to Bre, but he quickly shut that idea down. A part of him wanted to apologize for the way he acted, but the other part of him didn't want to admit that he was wrong.

Letting his pride win, he thought of what else to do.

He wanted to call Dono or Rell, but remembered they were most likely at football practice at the school. Figuring he could go and watch - and surprise them with being out the hospital, he grabbed his things.

He then made his way downstairs to check in with his mom first. She was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette, while watching Family Feud as usual.


"What," she sighed, after exhaling the smoke she had just held.

"Can I go watch football pratice?" he asked.

She let out a small cough before shrugging her shoulders.

"Sure. Do what ever you want. Not like you're going to stay here if I say no."

He sighed, knowing he had lost his mothers trust. He knew she would hold this against him for God knows how long.

"Ma I'm sorry okay? If I could turn back time I would."

"Mhm," she rolled her eyes. "Are you sure about that? I heard what you did to that poor girl too."

Quincey sighed, knowing she was talking about Bre.

"I liked her," she added. "Boy you done fucked up."

He rolled his eyes, knowing she was right.

"She'll come around," he lied.

She was now the one to roll her eyes as she took another pull.

"So can I go?" he questioned again, wanting to get back to the topic.

"Bye Quincey," she sighed once releasing the smoke. "Do what you want but don't ask me for no gas money. You need to start looking for another job while that hand heals."

He rolled his eyes at the thought of a job, and being fired through Bre. Not wanting to hear her talk any more, he finally left.

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