Chapter 34

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When Bre and Quincey returned home, his mother was still no where to be found. Because Bre left before the both of them, she wasn't previously aware that she was gone. Now she was nervous just Quincey was when he first discovered that she wasn't in the house.

The both of them attempted to reach her, but their texts were ignored and their calls were sent to voicemail. The note said that she would be home soon but the time was going on 11 p.m. and there was still no word from her. The both of them were beginning to grow worried.

Quincey attempted to call her doctor but he received no answer their either. His nerves were beginning to grow bad. But because Bre knew that she had to be his support system, she tried to stay strong from him. She told the both of them that they would probably hear from her the next morning and to not stress as much for right now.

But the next morning, she was still absent. The both of them attempted to reach her once more but there was still no answer. Bre wished that she could stay there with Quincey but she had to go to work. She promised that she would continue to attempt to reach her and she would be back as soon as she got off to check in with him.

Quincey couldn't stand sitting in the house alone. Knowing his mother was gone and he could speak to her played with his mind. He was really trying to take Bre's advice and not stress just yet but he couldn't help but think of the worse.

He tried just a few more times to reach her before leaving the house. she couldn't stand being there. Normally when he left the house he went to the trap house for business but today he wasn't required to. Therefore, he didn't want to be bothered with them.

Thinking of the perfect spot to clear his mind, Quincey grabbed his notebook before leaving out the door.


About an hour and a half later, he showed up to the studio. He only went every blue moon but one thing he knew was that there were always someone there. It might not have always been a Punch or Top, but there was always someone on the label there working. So far, he had met everyone apart of the team with an exception of the artist Ab-Soul.

They all said that he was mysterious and a rare sight to see - but today must have been Quincey's lucky day.

Upon entering the studio, he discovered Punch, along with Soul and one of their in-house producers. Although the music was loud, they were still able to tell whenever someone was entering or leaving the room. Closing the door behind him, the both of them turned around to see who had walked in, only to a double take.

"My Waldo ass son," Punch exclaimed after turning off the music.

Although Quincey was in a bad mood, his comment made him laugh.

"Both of my Waldo ass sons in one room," he added.

Quincey laughed again as Soul gave him an evil look through his dark shades.

"Don't say it like I'm never here," Soul attempted to defend himself as Quincey made his way over to the nearest couch.

"Nigga you aren't!" Punch chuckled.

"That's a lie."

"Please tell me the last time you came to the studio prior to us working on this new album."

Soul them sat there for a moment, actually attempting to think.

"Exactly," Punch laughed again. "But it's cool. This Waldo ass nigga over here is never here either. I thought his ass forgot about us."

Punch pointed over to Quincey as he shook his head.

"Who's this?" Soul asked, looking over at the face that he had never seen before.

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