Chapter 27

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After crying himself to sleep in Bre's arms, weed was the last thing on his mind. Instead of him waking her up, the roles was switched as Bre attempted to raise his heavy body off of hers. He laid nestled in her arms, with no sign of waking up any time soon. He was a deep sleeper. And considering he had s slight smile on his face, she could tell that he had slept good last night.

"Baby," she softly shook him. "Babe."

"Quincey," she tried again, slapping him with s pillow. "Wake up nigga."

He peeked his eyes open, groaning while pushing the pillow out of his face.

"Well that was a nice way to wake me up," he commented.

"I tried shaking you but you wouldn't get up," she laughed.

"Ugh," he loudly moaned. "Why I gotta get up? Why can't you just lay here with me for the day? Just you and me?"

"It's Friday," she cocked her head to the side with a sigh. "Come on."

He poked his bottom lip out, pouting. Giving him a kiss, she picked up another pillow before slapping him again.

"Come on. Take care of that funky ass breath and jump in the shower."

He dramatically sighed before reaching his arms out, waiting for her to help him up out the bed like an old man. Once she did, he gave her another kiss before running for the bathroom.


Luckily, Quincey remembered where he put the weed this time and stuffed it inside of his bag to take with him to school. Once arriving, him and Bre exchanged a kiss before going their separate ways to class. Although he hardly ever paid attention, he still made sure he did his work - or paid someone to do it for him. He wanted to graduate, however, he didn't want to put in the with that it had took.

He had lost all motivation and was focused on things outside of school that hindered his performance in school.

Meanwhile in Bre's first period, partner work was assigned and students were allowed to pick their own partners. Any other time, Andre would have been the last person who she would think to work with. But today, they both looked at each other once the assignment had been passed out.

Ever since he had apologized to her the other day at work, he was like a totally different person. The slick and petty comments were now turned into silence or genuine compliments and had kept to himself unless he absolutely had something to say.

He was typically a student who didn't do much, especially when it came to a group assignment. However, he did his fair share of work and the project was completed in no time at all. When the both of them got serious and put their mind to something, they were able to get things done.

Once first period was over, Bre unintentionally ran into Quincey. Because of their busy schedule and the different classes that they now had, she hardly ever saw him during the day unless he skipped class while she had lunch.

"How was first period?" he nudged her before interlocking his fingers with hers, walking her to her next class.

"It was cool," she shrugged, deciding to leave out the fact that her and Andre willing worked on an assignment together.

In fact, he wasn't even aware that the two of them now worked together. Bre took his sudden behavior as him simply just wanting to be nice, which she would only allow it to be. But she knew that if she told Quincey, he would blow up things bigger that what they were.

"How was yours?" Bre asked him. "Why are you over here today? I never see you walk this way."

"Damn can a nigga not try new things?"

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