Chapter 19

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After kissing his mother good bye, Quincey headed out to start his second day back at school in more than a week. Bre followed closely behind, him being her only way of getting to school. She would have walked, however she knew he wouldn't allow that and she didn't want to be that petty anyways.

Nonetheless, she was still upset with him.

The idea of him working for her brother - which was still in the back of her mind - is what killed her. She didn't want it to be true, but she had a feeling that it was. She didn't have any real evidence that proved that he was, so until then, she would keep quiet.

But what else would explain why he's rarely home taking care of his own mother? What else would explain her bills suddenly disappearing? The light, water and everything else still being turned on? One thing she knew for sure is that he didn't have a job anymore - so where else was he getting money?

Hopping into the passenger seat, she noticed that Quincey was staring at her from the driver's. Strapping herself in, she proceeded to give him a look in return.


"You suppose to be my baby and I haven't heard you speak since yesterday and you barely talked to me then," he sucked his teeth. "What's bothering you?"

Bre shook her head with a chuckle, not wanting to say anything.

"Baby what's up? What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," she lied.

He looked at her as if he knew she was lying, but decided to leave the situation alone.

"You sure?"

"Yes," she sighed.

He looked at her a while long before leaning in to steal a kiss. With their lips pressed together, Quincey reached a hand back behind her head, tangling itself into her hair as their lips locked. They wrestled with each other's tongues for a brief moment before slowly pulling away, ending the kiss.

It had a been a while since the two shared an intimate kiss with each other and it was actually quite refreshing for the both of them. Quincey looked over at her again with a smile before starting up the car and pulling off.


Once at school, Quincey decided to walk Bre to her class. Normally they would spilt up and hang with their separate groups of people, but Ashante wasn't at school today and Quincey obviously didn't have a group anymore. Even if he did, he felt like walking his girl to class for a change.

Questioning her about how her new schedule was working out and how her first period was going, considering that's where they were on their way to, Bre couldn't help but open up the can of worms he didn't know about. Even if he wasn't being completely honest with her, she would still be honest with him.

"You know Andre, right?"

Quincey suddenly stopped walking as he looked over at her. He gave her a look that clearly read that he wasn't happy. He already knew that whatever was to come out of her mouth would be something he didn't want to hear.

"From journalism? What about that nigga? Did he try to fuck with you?" he asked.

"Yes, from journalism," Bre answered. "I wouldn't necessarily say all that, but he is very disrespectful."

"What the fuck that nigga do?"

"Just some name calling and bad mouthing about you. He's just mad that you have me and he doesn't."

"I don't give a fuck about what another nigga has to say about me cause I ain't with that gay shit and if it ain't directed it ain't respected. But as far as you go, don't ever let a nigga disrespect you. As long as you're with me, no nigga is gone get away with that shit. Where his bitch ass at?"

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