Chapter 3

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Trigg laid back on the mattress that sat on the floor, with Fallen on top of him. She wrote her name in cursive on his chest with her finger. She watched as it rose and fell, inhaling and exhaling each breath he took. He stared up at the ceiling of her small bedroom that smelled like sex as he let his mind roam.

There was a plate of pizza crusts that sat on her already cluttered dresser, accompanied by a half full, week old can of Arizona Tea. A pile of dirty laundry sat in the corner with a orange stiletto on top, which Fallen had no idea where the mate to it was. In addition, a McDonald's bag with trash spilling out, laid by the door.

Their son was fast asleep on a torn up futon across the room with dried up tears on his face. He eventually cried himself to sleep because he was hungry but the two were too busy 'fooling around' to feed him. Their sexual needs were apparently more important than their son's needs at the time.

"Baby," Fallen breathed.

"What's up?" Gavin asked.

"I was wondering," she trailed off before continuing. "Could we have another baby?"

"Fallen don't ask me no dumb ass shit like that. You know damn well it's hard now to take care of the little nigga we already got."

"But I thought maybe we could try for a girl now. You got the son you wanted," she whined.

"Fall I ain't tryna have no more kids. I didn't even want his ass at first. Now get up off of me so I can shower and dip."

"Where you going?" she sucked her teeth, climbing off of him.

"We go through this same shit every time I'm over here. Please don't start," he replied, climbing out the bed.

"Oh yeah," she rolled her eyes before continuing the rest in air quotes. "The 'trap house'."

"Is there a problem?"

"You're at that same dirty ass house every day all day with them two gay ass niggas but all I get is two or three hours."

"Fallen please don't start bitching cause I don't want to hear that shit today."

"It's true! All you know is selling them damn drugs."

"It's bringing money in and providing for us is it not?"

"That's besides the point!" she attempted to argue back. "It's not that hard to get a real job."

"Last I checked your dirty ass didn't even have a job so apparently it is. How about you feed your own damn self and buy your own shit since how I'm getting this money is such a fucking problem."

"I must not be too dirty if you just got done eating my pussy nigga!"

He rolled his eyes as she continued.

"Exactly! Hush mouth!"

"Shut the fuck up and feed the damn baby," he growled back before leaving out the room to go shower, slamming the door behind him.

Gavin Jr. began to wail as Fallen groaned, getting out of the bed to feed him. She picked him up and laid him against her sweaty naked body as she made her way down the creaky stairs to make him a warm bottle.

Once doing so, she sat him down on the couch, leaving him to feed himself as she made her way back upstairs. Trigg was then out the shower, and in the process of getting dressed to leave out.

"Where my son?" he questioned.

"Downstairs eating nigga where else would he be?"

"You know what, I'm out this bitch before I catch a case."

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