Chapter 37

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Trigg was the last person Quincey wanted on his mind, but he woke up thinking about something he had said the day before. Despite his mother no longer being there with him physically, the Earth was still spinning. Time didn't stop for anyone, and neither could Quincey.

Once showering and completing his morning hygiene routine, he grabbed his things before informing Bre that he was leaving for the studio. She started to call off work because she was still hurt by the death, but his work ethic motivated her to still keep moving as well.

There was no time to sit and wallow in their own tears. If anything, they both knew that his mom probably wouldn't want them crying over her. Taking a deep breath, Bre got dressed as well for work before hopping in the car with him.

Soon after, he dropped her off at the mall in time before kissing her goodbye. Once making her way to the store, she briefly waved to everyone, continuing to clock in and out her things away. Her coworkers were use to her being upbeat and always smiling, but today they could tell that she wasn't in the best mood.

And luckily, Andre wasn't there to worsen her mood.


Meanwhile back at the studio, everyone, for some reason, was there in attendance.

Punch and Soul were back, along with Top, working together for his next project. Kendrick was busy in one corner with headphones, playing back a guest verse that was sent to him. Isaiah and SZA both were harmonizing together on the couch, having a good time, and Rock was the only one chilling in one of the love seats, grubbing on a box of chicken wings and fries with a slice of bread.

Upon entering the room, Quincey noticed that nearly everyone had stopped in the middle if what they were doing to look at him.

"Waldo!" Punch called out once stopping the music. "Back so soon?"

Quincey rolled his eyes with a chuckle, closing the door behind him.

"Haven't seen you minute," said Top who soon dapped him up. "What's been up with you?"

"Nothing," Quincey breathed.

Although it was one word, it was hard for him to spit out. A million and one thoughts crossed his mind that could have been a response, but instead he chose to reply with 'nothing.' He learned over time that such questions were curtesy questions.

Meaning, when someone asks 'how are you,' they expect a usual 'good' or 'fine' in response. They don't actually expect for the other person to reply 'bad,' or to continue rambling about their problems - because they simply didn't actually care.

"What's up my nigga?" Soul yelled before dapping him as well.

"What's up," Quincey smiled in reply.

SZA and Isaiah then proceeded to greet him too as Kendrick and Rock continued with what they were doing. Kendrick was busy into what was in his ear and in front of his face on the laptop that he didn't noticed that another presence was now among them. Roc  on the other hand had noticed him, but he of course could care less.

Top wanted him to to speak but he used the food that was currently in his mouth as an excuse. He then threw his empty pop can at Kendrick we soon pulled his headphones back, ready to go off knowing exactly who threw it.

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