Chapter 8 [continued]

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Brielle never told Quincy a specific time to be at the diner, so after checking in with his mom after school about where he was, he wasted no time getting there. He would rather show her mother how serious he was about the job, instead of dragging in at any 'ol time.

When he arrived, he suddenly became nervous as he saw Brielle no where in sight. No one was in sight actually, except for a few people. There were maybe four customers in the diner, and an older woman, in the middle of the diner sweeping. The woman resembled Brielle.

Suddenly overtaken by nervousness, Quincy was about to turn around and leave the diner, but someone stopped him.

"Sir?" the woman called out.

Quincy slowly turned around to find the woman looking at him with an awkward look plastered across her face.

"Sir, can I help you?"

"Um, my friend Brielle told me -"

The woman suddenly gasped as a smile spread across her face.

"Are you Quincy?"

Quincy nodded his head yes as she smiled.

"Ah yes, my daughter has told me all about you," she smiled, embracing Quincy in a hug. "Come, come, I'll show around back."

Quincy followed her mother into the back of the restaurant as she gave him an apron. She first showed showed him how to operate the register, then informed him that Brielle would later be in to show him the other things since she had to stay up front and tend to the current customers.

Shortly after, Brielle came through the door of the restaurant with her hair pinned up in a hair net, an apron, and a bag on her arm. Brielle smiled at the sight of Quincy, but was stopped by her mother before she could get to the bag to lock her things up and speak to Quincy.

"He's a nice looking young man, you better get it! I see where you get your taste from," Brielle's mother whispered to her with a wink.

"Bye mom," she rolled her eyes with a chuckled.

Brielle's mother was always saying something out of this world when ever she brought a guy around. Half of the time they were just friends and nothing more. Brielle didn't need for her mother to make things awkward between her and Quincy.

After waving off her mother, Brielle continued on her way to the back to lock her things up. After greeting Quincy, a costumer came in as if on cue. Every time a costumer came in, they were notified by a ringing of the door. They took seat at one of the tables that already sat a menu as Brielle's first task for Quincy was to go and take their order.

After giving the customer about ten minutes to look at the menu, Brielle showed him where they kept the notepads and pens, then Quincy was on his way. He came back shortly after with a order consisting of Joy's signature fish sandwich, fries, and a lemonade.

Once sticking the note above the grill, Brielle walked Quincy through the steps of preparing the order. She showed him how to work the grill, and where they stored the already labeled crates of food. Once slapping on a few pieces of fish, Quincy then turned on the fryer to throw in some fries.

After having Quincy keep an eye on the food, Brielle went to get the costumer's lemonade to bring to them. When she returned, she was surprised to see that Quincy had already found where the plates and buns were, and was preparing the food to take out.

Once giving the costumer their order, business started to boom. They had got so many costumers, Quincy never got to catch his breath. Him and Brielle were running around busting tables left and right for the rest of the day. Quincy never even got to speak to Brielle about what Ashante spilled to him.

Before they even realized, their shift was over and it was time to close up shop. Brielle and Quincy were free to leave after cleaning up shop. Joy stayed behind to count down the drawer and lock everything up, like she always did.

After saying bye to Quincy, Brielle was picked up by Trigg, and Quincy headed to his own car, figuring that he would just talk to Brielle tomorrow.

"Who was that you was talking to?" Trigg asked Brielle as she jumped in the passenger seat.

Jesus and Roland were in back as usual.

"Does it matter?" Brielle chuckled.

"Man I'm tryna be big bro looking out for you and shit and you over here getting smart like you grown."

"Gavin you're only two years older than me. Chill out bruh," Brielle replied.

Jesus and Roland laughed historically as Trigg gave Brielle the bird. He hated when people addressed him by his government name.

"Gabrielle don't fuck with me today. I told you about calling me that."

"Are you mad because that's what mama named you?" Brielle stuck out her tongue with a laugh.

"Just stay over there and ride before your ass start walking."

"I wish you would make me walk. Nigga just hurry up and take me home."

"You'll get there when you get there. The house is out the way from here."

"What you mean it's out the way?" Brielle asked.

"I'm going to -"

"Don't say that fucking trap house," Brielle groaned.

"It's closer than you and mama house. I'm having a kick back. I'll take you home when it's over."

"When it's over? Y'all probably gone be there in that nasty ass house for God knows how long. Ain't no telling what time I'm gone get home fucking around with you."

"Gabby why the fuck are you tripping? It's not like you got school tomorrow! It's Friday. Stop being such a goody two shoes and chill for a change. Either get out and walk your ass home, or chill and you can find your own way home."

Brielle rolled her eyes as she folded her arms and slouched down in the passenger seat. There was no winning an argument with her brother.

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