Chapter 5

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Quincey was heated.

After leaving the corner store to buy some spaghetti sauce to cook dinner for him and his mom, he ran into Gavin. Whenever Quincey ran into him, it usually would be a hi and bye type of deal with an exception of Gavin trying to reel him into his drug business - which he had no intentions on taking part in.

But yesterday was different.

He brought up something that Quincey had no idea that he knew about. His mom having cancer. It was a sensitive subject and he didn't want everybody knowing. He didn't want people to suddenly feel sorry for him or treat him differently just because he had a dying mother.

The only people who knew were the boys, and his football coach. Both of which had just found out that same day. The only other person who knew something so personal was Bre. And that's when light bulbs started to go off.

He knew for a fact the boys wouldn't share something so confidential, and his coach of all people damn sure wouldn't. So what were the chances that someone else told her brother the news?

Although he didn't specifically put in words to not tell anyone else, he thought it was common sense to not to. Just out of respect, something like that shouldn't be told to just anybody. She probably went and told her loud mouth friend Ashante too, he thought.

He knew he was famous for getting butt hurt over small things, but at that very moment he didn't want anything to do with anything that had to deal with Bre. After dropping her off, he sat outside her house for a few minutes to cool off. He didn't want to bring his sudden anger back home to his mom.

He knew she had too many problems of her own to deal with.

After cooling off, he headed back to the house to whip up dinner. When he got home, he found his mother sound asleep on the couch.  He hated to wake her up, but knew she needed to eat something. With all the stress she had been going through since the news, he knew the chances of her eating something before she went to sleep was probably low.

They needed to go grocery shopping, plus she had been having a change in appetite, not caring to eat much any more.

He decided to wait until the food was done to wake her up. The spaghetti was done in less than 30 minutes. After popping in a small pan of two pieces of garlic bread, he began to make their plates. He made himself a fairly decent plate, and her a kids plate, considering he knew she wouldn't eat much.

He then poured them both a glass of ice cold water before putting up the rest of the food into plastic containers to place in the fridge.

By the time he was done, the oven beeped, indicating that the bread was done. After taking out the pan with an oven mitt, he closed the door of the oven, then turned it off before putting the mitt back. He then put a piece on each plate, proceeding to carry both to the living room.

Once sitting them down on the coffee table, he went back to the kitchen to grab the their glasses of water before waking her up. She woke up cranky of course, but he didn't mind.

"What boy," she groaned.

"I made spaghetti."

"You woke me up just for that?"

"Yes, you need to eat mama. You also don't need to be sleeping on the couch. You know it's bad for your back."

She groaned again, wiping the sleep out of her eyes before sitting up straight. He handed her the small plate of spaghetti, then took a seat next to her on the couch. She only ate a few bites of the food and took a gulp or two of the water before complaining that she was full and ready to go back to sleep.

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