Chapter 34

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After Quincey was done treating Bre and himself out to a classic burger and fries, along with a scoop of ice cream, they headed back to his house. They lounged around and watched movies for the rest of the day, simply enjoying each others company.

Also known as the real definition of 'chilling'.

Once the day was almost over, Bre had to get going. Although her mom of course wasn't aware of her whereabouts, she still had to return home every night. They had elderly neighbors that kept an eye out on her to make sure she was safe and at home every night. If she didn't return, they would notify her mom.

Unless her mother herself informed the neighbors that Bre was over Ashante's or elsewhere for the night, of course.

Bre thought it was unfair that her mother was so strict on her. She didn't understand why she was a senior in high school, still being treated like she was in the fifth grade. However, she knew that should could easily be like some of the girls around her today who had parents that didn't care about them, resulting in their wild and provocative behavior.

She just wish her mom would give her more freedom, rather than having to rebel and sneak behind her back.

The next day, Quincey was shocked to see his mom finally back home. Nevertheless, he was still excited. Although it was only a day, it felt as if she was gone longer. He could never go more than a day without his queen. No matter how much she could get on his nerves.

However, he noticed she didn't look the same.

She looked stressed and sick. She was laid out on the couch, busy talking on the phone. What ever she was discussing must have been something serious and important. The television wasn't turned on like it normally was, nor was there a cigarette between her lips.

After her phone conversation was over, she sighed as she sat back up on the couch. Once noticing Quincey, she smiled before coughing a few times. Her cough sounded horrible and intense.

"Hey baby," she greeted him in a hoarse voice.

"Hey ma," he smiled before going to give her a hug. "I missed you."

"I know, I missed you too. Sorry I had to leave so sudden and with short notice. Something came up."

"What happened?" he questioned, curious.

She shooed at the air as she briefly shook her head.

"I'll tell you about it all later. What do you plan on doing today?"

"Nothing, why what's up?"

"You aren't hanging out with Bre?"

"No, not today. She has to work. She came over yesterday though."

"Her mom let her?"

"Her mom is out of town," he informed her. "So no, but she doesn't know."

"Mhm," she nodded. "So she still isn't letting her speak to you technically?"

"Nope," he sucked his teeth.

"I'm sure she'll come around."

Me and her both knew that was a lie. She probably just didn't know what else to say. Sighing, she got up from off the couch as she began to cough again. Once the coughing had finally died down, she was able to catch her breath.

As soon as she did she spoke up again.

"Since you aren't doing anything with Bre or your friends, would you like to spend the day with your mama?"

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