Chapter 15

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Gabrielle groaned as she pushed her comforter off of her body. Her mother had just barged into her room, commanding her to wake up for church. She then left, slamming her bedroom door behind her. They both were still angry about the situation that had took place the night before.

Bre had seriously regretted the way she had treated her mother last night, but she was still upset that she didn't even try to get to know Quincey for the person he really was. Her mother on the other hand didn't know what to do with her daughter anymore.

While she couldn't wait to go to church, Bre was dreading it. She knew as soon as the service was over, her mother would be trying to force her up to the altar to get prayer. She also wasn't looking forward to how fake her mother would be acting towards the other saints. If only the they knew the Joy that Bre witnessed last night.

Once getting up and starting her morning routine, she found a nice looking dress to put on for church. Although she truly did not want to go, if she was going to be there, she figured she might as well look presentable. She then paired the dress with flats before brushing her hair and putting on a bit of make-up.

Bre normally wasn't a make-up type of person, but to feel better about herself - especially considering the fact that she now had a busted lip, it wouldn't hurt. After deciding that she was ready, she grabbed her things as she headed downstairs.

Upon arriving downstairs, she found her mother sitting on the couch, silently praying. After clearing her throat, interrupting her, she stopped and looked up at Bre with a look that was still filled with rage. Without a word, she grabbed her things as they left out the front door and started for church.

When they arrived at church, the congregation were already taking up tithes and offering. Next, they would be having the choir sing a selection and then the speaker of the hour would be going up to preach. Luckily, Bre's mom wasn't speaking today, but for some odd reason, she had a feeling that the message would still be directed at her.

And just like she thought, it was.

Once they were done collecting money and singing a total of three songs, everyone got settled back into their seats and got ready for the word to be brought forward. The speaker this Sunday was their pastor, although he ironically didn't speak much. However, when their pastor did decide to bring forth the word, Bre knew they would be there all day.

After joining everyone in a quick prayer, the nurses brought him a glass of water as he opened his bible and gathered his notes. Today's sermon was about disobedience. Although Bre's mother was the main one screaming "Peach pastor!", his sub-topic was understanding.

Meaning, though you should never disobey the orders and instructions of God, and especially not question, you should always have understanding. Understand his purpose for the things he's doing in your life.

The pastor then took the message and applied it to everyday situations which hit a little bit closer to home. Bre could connect to it more because the last part was directed towards the youth. Summing up his sermon, he stated that children should should always obey and respect their parents. However, parents should also understand their children and not be so quick to judge them.

Maybe if they actually sat down and talked to one another, there wouldn't as much chaos within the house hold. But of course, that part went straight over her mother's head.

Once the pastor's sermon was over, everyone clapped as they stood to their feet. Altar call then began to take place as Bre could feel her mother's eyes on her. Luckily, she was saved by a mother of the church pulling her to the side. Apparently, they needed help upstairs with cooking.

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