Chapter 33

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A total of two days had passed since the elephant in the room being addressed over dinner. Turns out, someone anonymous took care of their bill. Bre and Quincey's mother mentally thanked whoever the kind stranger was before figuring out how they were going to get home.

His mom couldn't rely on too many people and the ones that she did were unable to pick them up. On Bre's end, Ashante wasn't picking up the phone. Neither one of them had a dollar in the pocket and of course, calling Quincey wasn't an option.

They were too far from the house to walk and the last thing they wanted to do was beg for money to catch a bus back. Luckily, Ashante called back, apologizing for being busy at the store. Once explaining their situation, she promised to stop by to get them once she checkout and left from where she was at.

Bre and his mom made sure to thank her once they were picked up, and also when they were dropped off. She wasn't in the mood to explain the situation to Ashante then, but Bre promised to fill her in later - which she did.

When they finally returned home, Quincey was already gone - which was no shock at all. His mother want back to her room to continue reading her book and Bre sat in silence on their couch, thinking back on what happened earlier at the restaurant, and thinking about life in general. The last person she thought to call was mother - but she did.

With everything that had been going on, she realized that she had to stop and catch up with her thoughts sometimes. Although she did not want to admit it at first, she did miss her mother. No matter what happened, between her and her own mother or Quincey and his, a relationship with the one who not only birthed you, but raised you, is still important.

Because of her pride, Bre hesitated before picking up the phone to call her, but eventually mustered up the courage to do so - only to be shot down. The phone rang no more than two times before she wasn't to voicemail. Letting out a sigh, she threw her phone to the side before finding herself crying herself to sleep that night.


While Quincey was out with Trigg, Jesus and Roland, they spotted the mysterious car stalking them again. But of course, Gavin wasn't having it. The same car had been following them around for a total of three days now and he was ready to find out why. Trigg had an idea of who it was but he wanted to make sure.

Therefore, he instructed the others to stand back as he once again, went to approach the car that was driving by extremely slow. The closer he got to the vehicle, the slower it went. It then came to a complete stop as the backseat window rolled down, a semi automatic soon peeking out.

The person was masked of course, but before Trigg could bring his feet to move, shots began to ring. The moment he saw the car come to a complete stop Quincey was already beginning to back away - but now he was running. Unlike Jesus and Roland who decided to run straight from the bullets, Quincey took the chance of running the opposite way the car was facing.

He knew that it would take the driver longer to switch gears or to make a u-turn - that was if he was truly a target. He had no time to think about the safety and well being of the other three. His own life was on the line and he wasn't about to catch a bullet for someone else - not again he wasn't.


Although the three of them were shot at, Trigg insisted that business would still run as normal and that it was "nothing new." With no way out, Quincey finally understood why his mother feared for him while out on the streets, and why she didn't want him to partake in it. He also realized how much he took her for granted.

Since their incident at the restaurant, he did apologize to both his mother and Bre. It was no secret that his anger sometimes gets the best of him. However, he knew that he shouldn't have brought attention to the three of them, nor stormed out the restaurant and leave them the way that he did.

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