Chapter 4

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Although Quincey was still hurt by the harsh reality, he knew moping around about it wouldn't fix anything. It also wasn't healthy. Bre was devastated by the news as well, but she had to be his support system.

She tried her best to keep him going and motivated, and did everything in her power to keep his spirits up and his mind off of it. She also talked to him and convinced him that he needed to apologize to Donovan and Terrell.

They were the only two, and true friends that he had and he knew he didn't want to lose them no matter what was going on in his personal life. He knew he had to make things right.

Upon waking up the next day, he said a quick prayer, thanking God for waking him up and for what he still had, then hopped out of bed. After completing his morning routine, he grabbed his bookbag and left out the door.

The entire school day went by in a blur.

The only classes he actually did work in were the classes he had with Bre. That was, because she pushed him to stay focused. She reminded him that he had to keep his grades up to stay on the football team. He had just got let back on and he knew he couldn't mess it up a second time.

His mom also wouldn't be too proud that he was slacking off in school because of her.

But he couldn't help it.

Before he knew it, day by day his grades started to slip. He really did try to keep them up after all the hard work he did to get caught up and time that Bre put in to help him, but it was hard. It was hard to focused on school when he had a dying mother at home.

It was hard to care about anything other than her.

Teachers began to call him after class to try to get a sense on where his head was at. He would give them vague answers, replying he wasn't feeling well or was confused about the lessons. Quincey was a student who made well above average grades and was quick to interrupt class with a question if he didn't understand something.

His teachers knew it was something more but didn't want to get too involved with his personal life, deciding to leave it alone.

Seventh period, Quincey finally fell asleep, all drained out. It was a study hall so he was free to do so. The teacher didn't care. It was hard to go to sleep, considering Ashante was in the back of the class socializing loudly with other girls in the class and obnoxiously popping her gum, but he did.

Once the school day was over, a bell rang through the speakers. Yet, Quincey didn't hear it due to him being sleep. Ashante woke him up, however, before leaving out the room to meet Bre. He groaned, stretching, then gathering his things.

After leaving out of the classroom, he went to  meet Bre as well. She was busy talking to Ashante at her locker about something so he decided to stay back until they were finished. Once they were, he thanked Ashante for waking him up before she left to catch her bus.

Bre weakly smiled at him, leaning back against her locker as he blankly stared at her, still out of it.

"You look like you just woke up," she pointed out.

"I did," he replied in a groggy voice, wiping his eyes.

"Was it a good sleep?"

"No," he murmured.

She sighed before planting a kiss on his forehead then pulling him into a warm embrace.

"I can't take this shit any longer," he cried in her arms.

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