Chapter 22

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Trigg | 9:23 p.m.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Quincey thought of what to do. To go or not to go to Trigg's party? He never actually promised him that he would be there, but he knew he would be crushed if he didn't show.

"You claimed that was the last party you was going to, but what if that was literally the last party?"

His mom's words echoed in the back of his head from the day she found out about the shooting at the party on the news. Bre's words then echoed from the day he received his first pay check on the job.

"Just don't go. I don't want you mixed in that mess with him. The only reason I went to his last weak ass party is because Ashante dragged me. That was the last day I risked my life."

"Alright, I won't go."

"You promise?"

"I promise girl."

He promised her he wouldn't go, but she didn't have to know. Trigg promised better security, and his parties were always live. When ever there was a devil and an angel on his shoulder, the devil somehow always won.

Once stuffing a few pillows underneath his covers, he threw on a pair of cargo pants, a blue hoodie, then grabbed his blue foams and a tan bucket. After silently opening his window, he carefully made his way out, and safely to the ground.

He made sure to crack the window in order to get back in.

It would be noticeable that he was gone if he took his car, so he walked instead. Where Trigg was having the party wasn't too far from his house. After dodging a few police cars circling around at night like they always did, and hopping a few fences, he was there in no time.

Once at the door, there was security like Trigg promised. After calling him to let him know he was outside, he came and got him to let him in. The fact that there was security made Quincey feel a little more comfortable, but he still felt uneasy.

He felt as if something bad was going to happen. Something told him to turn around and leave, but he didn't want to seem like a pussy for leaving so soon.

The song Ice Cold by Robb Bank$ was currently blaring through the speakers as Trigg led him back to the kitchen.

The song set a chill vibe throughout the party as Quincey found everyone lounging around on the kitchen counters smoking. There was a total of six people already in the room, making himself the seventh person.

There was Trigg, Jesus, Roland, and a female standing in between the legs of each one.

On Roland was a caucasian girl with a pretty plain face, but a nice body, feeling on him to get his attention. A nice looking spanish girl and Jesus were busy swapping spit with each other, and with Trigg was a black girl who he had his arms wrapped around.

The two girls on Roland and Jesus - Quincey recognized from school, and from what he heard, they certainly got around. The female with Trigg looked familiar to him, but he didn't know where he knew her from. 

"Im back," Quincey heard Trigg whisper in the girl's ear before kissing her neck.

Quincey felt quite uncomfortable, so he started to leave, but Trigg stopped him.

"A nigga leaving already?"

"No, just out with the rest of the party," he lied. "Y'all seem pretty busy in here."

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