Chapter 6

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a.n / sorry if there's any typos. i know its been a while since i've updated. got caught up with some things outside of wattpad. but im back.

The following day was a Friday. That meant there was a football game in their home stadium under the bright lights later that night. Crenshaw had fairly decent school spirit, with a little over three fourths of the student body in attendance at every home football game.

Their section at away games, however, was a different story.

Every Friday morning, the school's drumline marched and played down the central hallways, doing their job of getting everyone hype. The small pep rallies got students excited for the game that would be later that night. Students who preferred not to hear the loud and obnoxious banging every Friday morning took back hallways or simply came to school just before first period began.

Today was just like the others.

When Quincey arrived to school, he met the boys in their usual spots. Terrell danced in the middle of the hallway, shaking his dreads as Donovan, who meanwhile leaned against the set of lockers, recording him. His Snapchat stories on Friday were always live, all because of him.

Once the music began to die down, it was time to head to first period. Although Quincey would have never verbally admitted it, he was upset upon realizing that Bre was not at school. She was busy on a field trip for Student Council, but he was not aware at the time.

The trip, to a leadership retreat, lasted the entire day.

Though they were not necessarily on great terms, he missed her and looked forward to seeing her each day no matter what. He wanted to text her to see where she was at, but his pride wouldn't let him. He went through the entire day upset.

Not only because she wasn't at school, but for other obvious reasons as well. He tried taking his mind off of the situation, but everything he did never worked. The only thing that seemed to was spending time with Brielle.

Once school was over, it was time for football practice. On days they had games, they typically practiced after school up until two hours before the game started. They used the rest of the time for eating and getting ready.

The school usually provided pizza for the team, however, today was different. They couldn't so everyone had to get their own food. While everyone else ordered their own pizzas or Jimmy John's, Quincey and the boys decided to spend their time by going to Big's. It was their usual spot, but they hadn't been there in a while.

Upon arriving, they were seated and soon after, a female waitress approached their table with a notepad in hand. She was of light complexion with tight bouncy curls, and looked to be around their age. The guys had never seen the girl before.

Donovan was the only one out of the three who didn't pay her any attention. Terrell was already thinking of what game to spit to her while Quincey knew although she was pretty, he had Bre.

"Hi, my name is Kayla I'll be taking care of you guys today. Can I start the three of you off with something to drink?" she smiled.

"Kayla," Terrell smiled. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl such as yourself."

"Awn thank you," she blushed. "What's your name?"

"Terrell," he smiled even harder, feeling himself a bit much.

Quincey tried his best to hold in a laugh as Donovan rolled his eyes.

"Boy if you don't getcho ass on and order a damn drink," he sucked his teeth at him before directing his attention towards Kayla. "I'd like a strawberry lemonade please."

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