Chapter 23

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The day Gabrielle spent with Quincey was a day well spent.

Whenever she got the chance to take her mind off of the problems that went on in her life to be with someone she loved, it made her happy. She may have her times when she doesn't want to be bothered by him, but they didn't compare to the good days they had. The good outweighed the bad and she accepted the fact that not every day with him would be full of rainbows.

There was going to be rain, just like there was going to be shine.

It had been a while since Bre simply got out of the house. All she did was go to school and to work, and considering she no longer had a job, it was simply just school. She was locked inside the house against her will when she lived with her mother, but was still locked inside the house, even when she had a choice to leave. She was grateful that Quincey's mother took her in - and she didn't want to over do it.

Because of how good of a day she had with Quincey, she woke up with a smile. But that wasn't the only reason why she was smiling. She also got a call back from one of the jobs that she applied for. After telling Quincey because of how excited she was, he too was happy for her. Once putting on her best interview-ready clothes, he agreed to take her to the interview.

The call back was from a well known clothing store not too far from their house. It was a shop that sold fashionable clothes for both males and females, and one that kids their age regularly shopped at. Bre personally did not want people from school knowing where she worked at, but she was in desperate need of a job.

"I'm nervous," she sighed, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"What you nervous for?" Quincey asked as he watched her fix herself.

"What if I don't get the job? Or they don't like me?"

"I'm sure you'll get the job baby. And if they don't like you, you'll still have somebody who does."

Bre couldn't help but smile as he cupped her face, leaning in for a kiss. They exchanged a quick one before Quincey smiled at her one last time, wishing her good luck as she finally stepped out of the car.


The entrance that Quincey had dropped Bre off at was the closest one to the store. However, she still had a bit of a walk until she actually got there. The store was located just a few shops away from the food court in the mall. If Bre was to get the job, she kept in mind how convenient and close they were in location for her lunch breaks.

Once arriving in the store, she asked for a manager to inform them of her arrival for an interview. Soon after, the manager of the store greeted her with a smile, expecting her arrival. She then led Bre to the back of the store and into her office. Taking a seat behind her desk, Bre took a seat in the chair in front of her.

"What caught my attention in your application is your hand writing," said the woman, looking over the written application that Bre had managed to physically turn in to her.

"Thank you," Bre giggled.

"Do you get compliments on your hand writing often?"

"Yes, all the time actually."

"Have you ever thought about writing papers or doing anything that uses your hand writing?"

"Um sort of," Bre answered. "I like to write."

"That's cool."

"Yeah," she nodded, unsure of how to now reply.

"So you would rather be a writer than working for my store?"

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