Chapter 35

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Not only was it a Monday - the one day of the week practically everyone hated - including Quincey and Bre - it was also another day they had yet to see or hear from his mother. At first, Quincey tried to keep himself from stressing and worrying about her well being, but now he was really beginning to panic.

Bre attempted to be his support system, and tried to keep herself from panicking in hopes that he would, but now they were equally worried. Neither one of them wanted to get ready and actually attend school, but Bre had to motivate the both of them. She couldn't afford to miss another day and neither could he. She was on good standing academically and if Quincey got behind any further would be losing his privilege of graduating with his class.

The entire way to the school was eerie and uncomfortably silent. Instead of quickly going their separate ways once inside, like they typically did in the morning, Bre and Quincey held each other in an embrace that was longer than usual. If anything, the both of them needed that hug.

Finally making it to class on time, taking their seat in first period, Bre was relieved to see that Andre wasn't absent. She definitely was not in the mood to try and hold conversation with him that morning. She liked the nicer version of him much better than the meaner one, but the new Andre was borderline annoying.

Bre was a good student who always made sure she paid attention in class and did her work, but this particular day, she was not feeling it. She zoned out the entire class period, and even failed to turn in the assignment that was handed out and due at the end of the period. Leaving the paper on her desk, she rushed out of the classroom before and to her next class before anything could be said to her.


Meanwhile, Quincey was doing the same exact thing. He didn't catch not a single word the teacher had said the entire class period. Instead, he was busy jotting down rhymes in his notebook, keeping in mind everything Punch had told him the night before. Although his mom was all he seemed to think about, he tried to push it out of his mind, replacing the thoughts with something positive.

He was doing good up until he was snapped out of his thoughts.

The rest of his classmates were busy working independently. The room itself was quiet with an exception of faint music that could be heard being played from the headphones plugged into one student's ear. He was then tapped on his shoulder from a student behind him as he soon looked up to see everyone in the room staring at him.

"Mr. Hanley," the teacher called. "They'd like to see you in the main office. The pass is marked urgent."

Quincey squinted, looking at the half sheet piece of paper being waved between his fingers.

"Boy you gone get up?" asked some girl in a loud voice.

"That boy stuck," a guy laughed, causing a few others to laugh with him. "He probably in trouble. Y'all know he got kicked off the football team."

"He did?" another girl whispered, as if Quincey couldn't hear her.

Ignoring the comments, Quincey grabbed his things before making his way to the teacher's desk to collect the pass.

"The homework is numbers 1 through 47 on page 103," the teacher informed him as he handed him the pass.

Not caring to reply, Quincey clutched the pass, along with the strap of his book bag as he left out the room.

His entire way to the office, he wondered why he was being called down. The last time he had been to the office was to be told that he could no longer be apart of the football team due to slipping grades. But if he was no longer apart of it, what could they possibly want now? His grades hadn't changed much since then but he knew they weren't to the point where he would be threatened to not receive his diploma.

The of course, he thought the worst, the closer he got there, but quickly pushed the thoughts out of mind.

Pulling back the glass door which made the entrance of the office, Quincey finally stepped foot inside. Making his way towards the front desk, he noticed Ashante over in one of the chairs waiting to be called back.

"Quincey?" she questioned. "In the office? What you doing here?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, waving his pass. "I should be asking you that."

She then rolled her eyes before replying.

"This girl tried to swing on me and you know I don't go for that ho shit."

"Ashante," the woman behind the front desk snapped.

"What," she moaned. "Why do you keep calling me?"

"It's bad enough you're in the office. Don't make it worse."

Ashante the rolled her eyes as Quincey chuckled to himself, finally making his way over towards the woman.

"Can I help you sir?" she questioned.

Without a word, he handed over his pass.

"Ah yes, Mr. Hanley. You have a visitor," she smiled, pointing over to the other side of the room.

As his eyes followed in the direction of her point, he hoped to finally see his mother. But unfortunately, it wasn't. To his surprise, it was their next door neighbor. He never seen or spoke to the middle-aged woman that much, but he did recognize her. 'Why is she here?' Quincey thought to himself.

"Hey," he awkardly greeted her with raised eyebrows. "What's up?"

"I have bad news," she sighed.

Quincey immediately felt his heart sink into his shoes as he knew exactly what she was going to say.

"Your mom passed this morning," she announced. "I rushed here as soon as I could to tell you."

Just like one of the students in his class had said, he was stuck. Quincey couldn't bring himself to move. He couldn't speak. He felt as if everything in his world had just ended right that moment. Her words echoed in his ear as he shook away the thoughts.

'Your mom passed this morning.'

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