Chapter 2

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Bre woke up the next day with a heavy heart. Her heart was so heavy that she actually woke up late, almost missing the bus. Her mother barged into her room ten minutes after she was originally suppose to wake up to get ready.

Turns out, her mother never found out that she was gone last night.

"Gabby you was suppose to be up ten minutes ago!" her mother yelled from her doorway. "You better not miss that bus either because I'm not taking you!"

Bre rolled her eyes as she pulled the cover back and finally swung her legs over the side of the bed to get up. She could care less about missing the bus. If her mother wasn't going to take her then she just wouldn't go at all.

Neither walking or asking her brother for a ride was an option.

"Don't forget that you have a shift to work today too!"

"Okay," Bre replied a little too loud.

Sometimes her mother could be annoying as hell, especially in the morning.

"You better watch that tone before I tag you in your chest! And don't let me find out you been still talking to that gang banging boy."

She mentally rolled her eyes with a shake of her head as she tried to figure out where that had even came from. If she knew about last night she would have brought it up, but she didn't. Ignoring her, she walked past her out the door and to the bathroom down the hall.

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Bre groaned, before closing the door and flicking her off behind it.

It was too early in the morning for them to be getting into it.

After stripping and jumping in the tub for a quick shower, she wrapped herself in a towel before returning back to her room. She then put on her under garments and rubbed her body down with lotion before putting on deodorant and finally, getting dressed.

Lastly, she grabbed her cellphone, keys, bookbag, and Quincey's gift bag before leaving out the door and locking it behind her.

Once at school, she was happy to see Quincey. After taking her seat next to him in first period, she gave him a quick peck then handed him his gift bag. You could tell that he was still hurting, but a small smile formed on his face as he took the bag from her hand.

"You want me to open it now or later?" he asked.

"I don't care It's your gift," Bre laughed.

"Alright. Imma open it later then when I get home so it can be more of a surprise."

"Okay," she nodded as she then got out her notebook for that class to begin taking notes on today's lecture.

After class, the rest of Bre's first half of her schedule went by in a breeze. Her stomach had been growling ever since she left the house that morning so she definitely couldn't wait until lunch. The school's food was nasty of course, but it would have to do for the day.

Once the bell rang, indicating it was now lunch time, she waited for Quincey, then made their way to the cafeteria. They walked hand-and-hand as Bre received numerous stares and dirty looks from both girls and guys.

Girls gave her dirty looks because they wished they were in her spot. There were a lot of females who tried to do everything in their power to break the two up. Some were just desperate. Guys on the other hand stared at her because they wished they were Quincey.

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