Kentarou's Punishment (sort off)

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Ayako who is carrying Kentarou who is still an egg is now heading back home after Recovery Girl discharged the two of them after saying.

"I'm sorry but I am not a veterinarian that's why I don't know the exact details on how to take care of Amajiki-kun or even wrap my head around it that's why the two of you can now go back home" Recovery Girl said while Ayako could only nod at what Recovery Girl said.

When Ayako left some UA Staff could swear that they heard Recovery Girl complaining while the sound of books either falling or being flipped and a computer could be heard.

"Mom Dad, we're home" Ayako announced kind off unsure while hugging Kentarou tightly.

"Don't worry Ayako, I bet that they would just casually laugh this incident off" Kentarou said but Ayako could sense the nervousness that was incredibly hidden behind Kentarou's words.

"I'm glad... Kentarou is still human" Ayako muttered.

"What do you mean by that? I am human!! Technically that is my race and species!" Kentarou retorted.

"No, What I mean is that you could still feel nervous" Ayako answered.

'Of course I am always afraid of losing you! You idiot!! You don't even know about the fact that when the two of us were suddenly separated that I started panicking to the point that I even killed or nearly killed some villains, thankfully Ojiro was there to at least try and minimize the damage' Kentarou thought as he tried to look away but forgot that he can't even see anything nor can anybody see his expression.

"Oh? Ayako your back and along with Kentarou I see" Katsuko said in a normal tone as if she is normally welcoming her children back home that didn't get attacked by a villain organisation and nearly died.

"Hey Mom, Dad" Kentarou said for only God knows how he is able to do it.

"Come on and let's eat, dinner will get cold" Tomoaki said as he gestured for them to seat on the dinner table.

"Dad, it's lunch not dinner" Ayako said.

"And I still can't eat" Kentarou added.

"In fact I am afraid that we might accidentally eat Kentarou if we eat with him" Ayako added another concern.

"Uh... this is why sometimes I hate both of your geniuses!! Look here we were worried sick once we heard the news of UA being attacked then many students being brought to a hospital along with someone apparently exploding into a million pieces and became a blood splatter pool!!" Tomoaki shouted as he stood up seriously wanting to lecture the two but couldn't find the words.

"That's why we decided to disown Ayako" Katsuko said.

"Eh??!!!!" Ayako and Kentarou both shouted while Kentarou who got too stimulated suddenly emerged out of the egg and is now back into his original form but with mossy green scales covering his entire body.

"Come on Mom Dad!!! I don't want to separate from her and you know that as well!! I was only caught off guard by the Nomu that's why I 'died' at that time but I swear that it absolutely won't happen again, so please don't disown Ayako!!" Kentarou was practically begging on his knees at this point in time but he got smacked on his head.

"First of all let us finish second wear some damn clothes!" Katsuko shouted while her fist is still placed on Kentarou's head quite firmly since she couldn't move it due to it accidentally breaking and she can't afford for her pride as a hero to be weakened due to her son.

"Yes Mam!" Kentarou replied then went to his room and wore a plain black shirt and black shorts then returned only to find Katsuko's arm shifted as a starfish.

"Now let me do the talking while Katsuko here heals her broken hand due to her hitting a certain someone who is essentially a every reptile incarnate" Tomoaki said.

Kentarou then sat in front of Tomoaki and beside Ayako while holding her hand firmly as she is too shocked to even process everything at the moment.

"The two of you are getting married" Tomoaki just dropped a huge bomb onto the table.

"Sure" Kentarou reflexively answered.

"Eh?!?!!!!!!" Kentarou and Ayako both shouted in surprise then Kentarou abruptly passed out due to his stamina being fully drained due to him suddenly healing an entire body back in just a couple of seconds and forcing his whole body to function by using pure adrenaline as fuel.

"Would you look at that, he fainted" Katsuko commented which made Tomoaki sigh heavily.

"Umm... Dad, we're you just joking earlier?" Ayako asked after trying to make a solid reasoning at what just happened earlier.

"No, we weren't joking, We will really disown you and bring you into the family as Kentarou's wife and I'm hoping to see my beloved children's children" Katsuko bluntly said which made Ayako overheat and pass out due to too much blood suddenly rushing to her head and imagining Kentarou and Herself happily living together with their son and daughter.

"Seriously?" Tomoaki asked.

"What?" Katsuko asked back with confusion.

"That was way too blunt!"Tomoaki shouted.

"But those two are too thick headed that's why being blunt was the best choice" Katsuko bluntly argued while Tomoaki could only open and close his mouth and only hope for words to come out of them but so far none have come out.

"Nnnngggg... You win this one..." Tomoaki gave up on trying to argue with his wife.

After two days Kentarou and Ayako finally woke up due to their stomachs rumbling and finally having enough stamina to move.

"Hmm... I seem to be forgetting something important?" Kentarou thought as he removed the blanket covering him only to find out that he isn't wearing anything along with the feeling of his arm and legs touching something warm with the feeling of raw skin which made him start to sweat buckets.

Kentarou lifted the blanket partially beside him only to see Ayako naked, this was enough to make him sweat more than Bakugo in a winter day.

'Calm down, there's no way in heaven or hell that you attacked Ayako in your sleep... ... ... ... ... LIKE I CAN CONVINCE MYSELF WITH THAT!!! You never know what might happen when your half asleep and waking up with your own sister naked near you along with yourself naked!!' Kentarou is currently having a incredible battle with his reasoning.

"Nnn..." Ayako started to wake up and once she fully saw Kentarou already awake she immediately hugged him.

"Last time... was amazing, right Kentarou?" Ayako said half asleep.

'Wha- What is this soft and warm feeling that I am feeling?!! Come on Ayako wake up fully!!! My reasoning can no longer hold against my instincts so please hurry up and wake up!!!' Kentarou wished deeply from the bottom of his heart.

'Hold on...' Kentarou is starting to realize something.

'Did she say that last time was amazing?' Kentarou realized what Ayako had said which made him reflexively look at her then his heart started to pump his blood much faster causing the veins on his nose to nearly erupt.

Kentarou then covered himself along with Ayako using their blanket as Ayako started to sleep once again while using Kentarou as a body pillow which didn't help Kentarou's sanity in any way shape or form.

'This has got to be a dream!!' Kentarou tried to convince himself.

'... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... probably' Kentarou just couldn't shake the possibility that he really did do the deed with his sister in law.

'If we really did the deed, aren't we legal? Not having any blood relation and all that?' Kentarou wondered as his conciousness drifted away.

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