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The atmosphere was dead silent while the only sounds that can be faintly heard are the crackle of fire and lightning, the woosh of the breeze, the dripping of water, and the sound of pebbles hitting metal. Shinemon breathes in deeply to try and calm his nerves and try not to hurt one of his best friend's relatives.

"...Shinemon-san I am sorry for my future husband's taunt, he is just slightly traumatized by the USJ incident that recently happened" Ayako apologized for Kentarou.

"Of course I will be upset! We almost got killed by a freaking monster that is nearly as strong as All Might!" Kentarou retorted which surprised everyone yet since they only knew what was formally said by the news and UA, not the real and entire story.

"What exactly happened Kentarou-kun?" Nejire who had been free since Kentarou chopped his arm off.

"...Nejire-neechan, you don't know?" Ayako asked surprised.

"Well I know the parts that were released to the public but that's it, I even remember a piece of news that said a student died but that was retracted since that student is apparently alive" Nejire thought while in a cutesy thinking pose.

"That student is Kentarou, even I was surprised when I heard the news, I even remember most of his classmates overpowering the monster named Nomu because of their rage and pushing their quirks" Tamaki said as Shinemon's interest was piqued.

"Yes that happened but that creature is still alive despite being attacked like that it was so menacing having instant regeneration that puts most regeneration quirks to shame, super-strength that is about as strong as All Might's, a very powerful shock absorption quirk which was quite evident from it taking the full brunt of Izuku's quirk which is said to be as or more powerful than All Might's yet his body is not used to it, it was so out of this world that even the mixture of every defensive animals power were not enough to stop those punches" Kentarou explained which made him wince when he remembered the feeling of being exploded to almost nothing but blood.

" even exploded you to only a pool of blood which made everyone go berserk, I was really worried" Ayako quietly muttered while one of her cheeks is puffed up.

"I'm sorry okay, I underestimated his strength that's all but that will never happen ever again" Kentarou said as he tried to comfort Ayako.

"Let's fight after I bring my sister here" Shinemon said then hurriedly leaves the underground facility.

"Kentarou-kun why did you provoke Shinemon-kun?" Mirio asked curious about the reason.

"It is actually kind of embarrassing since I only provoked him due to us having the same character" Kentarou said while Ayako looked at him with a confused expression.

"...I'm your wife, not your little sister!" Ayako said then puffed up one of her cheeks while crossing her arms.

"Huh?" Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire were all confused about what they just heard but decided to dismiss it.

"Now for the grand question that I have been wanting to ask, Do you have a plan?" Tamaki asked Kentarou who is currently hugging Ayako

"The honest answer is that I have no plan whatsoever" Kentarou honestly told that he had no plan which shocked everyone in the room and even made Mirio and Tamaki shiver while Nejire could only laugh.

"The reason is I don't really have a grudge against him as to treat him as a villain nor is this a school competition next is that there really aren't any places for me to hide and use surprise attacks against him and it's not that I am underestimating him, in fact, it is the opposite I respect him to the point that I won't make a plan until he gets here" Kentarou said then Tamaki receives a text to open the elevator.

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