Heights Alliance

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After the whole Monumental Fight an announcement was disclosed to the entire UA Highschool.

"Good Morning students, in light of the past events that have happened to the hero class I decided to implement a dorm system so advisers of every class do your best to convince the students parents, I will be giving you three days and if you are late by one day then half of your salary will be deducted permanently, more than one then a one on one session with me" Nezu announced.

"I don't get paid enough for this... Amajiki Couple, problem child come with me to convince parents" Aizawa ordered making the three bewildered.

"You three fought All For One alongside All Might, you might not know this but your words are much more powerful than most heroes" Aizawa explained.

4th Floor Girl's side Amajiki Twins.

"Hold on Sir, why is my room on the Girl's side?!" Kentarou was quite shocked by the sudden development.

"... ... If I have to say something it's because of your sister's peculiarity and the begging of your parents as well as Principal Nezu's and the building crew's reward for the two of you" Aizawa said while having the time of his life being wrapped up in his own wings.

"...what do you mean Aizawa-sensei?" Ayako asked with confusion as the two of them didn't do anything worthy of getting a rewarded which made Aizawa sigh.

"The two of you weren't able to hear their plan but still did the same thing however the two of you went through proper procedures which saved countless lives and even gave All Might some valuable breathing room against his fight with All for One or more specifically Kentarou while you Ayako noticed a fatal flaw of the plan for the dormitories which is that we forgot to add stairs along with actually evacuating the civilians and trying to minimize property damage" Aizawa explained.

"Huh?!! How were the two of you not reprimanded for using your quirks?!!" Kaminari asked loudly voicing out everyone's question in their minds.

"...we really didn't... Ah!" Ayako tried to explain that they really didn't do anything different except for asking their parents for permission to join the rescue operation but then she remembered the stacks of papers Kentarou handed to them.

"Yep, it was me, I even made enough of those papers for everyone but when I got to the classroom you were all gone then when I went to the hospital none of you talked to me while Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Kirishima were already gone" Kentarou said with a smile while Aizawa dropped the huge pile of papers that Kentarou painstakingly made of course two of the guarantors was their hero alter egos which is quite the perk if they do say so themselves.

"Without Amajiki-kun's work here then the five of you would have been expelled no question asked, so thank him later, trust me it is an absolute pain to make these things especially since you would need to at least get a pro to sign for twenty-two students papers as well as write them all down one by one" Aizawa said while grumbling something about Nezu being extremely grateful to him and his parents taking part of the blame for the students so that they wouldn't be expelled as it would have been a huge loss for the school but sadly Katsuko's hero license got suspended for a week, the same could have been said to Inari and Fenrir yet they have been classified as Killed In Action during the battle with All For One.

"Thank you very much Amajiki-kun!!" Iida bowed perfect 90°

"Thank you Ken!! That was extremely manly of you!!" Kirishima shouted from the top of his lungs as he embraced him while crying manly tears.

"Thank you, Amajiki-san" Yaoyorozu said then bowed while she started to fidget.

"I owe you one, Amajiki..." Todoroki said while being too embarrassed to look at him.

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