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Kentarou is currently standing right in front of a tall building which Aizawa had given him a map of after being smothered by Ms Joke or Emi. Aizawa looked at him with incredible hate but he got dragged by RG.

"Are you the intern?" A girl with scales asked.

"That's me! I was just surprised at the size!" Kentarou said quite excited yet at the same time nervous which the scaled girl noticed.

"Are you nervous?" She asked with worry.

"Yeah... this is the first time I would be away from my twin sister for a long time, so it might take its toll on me" Kentarou answered honestly.

"Don't worry about it, Ryukyu's Agency is relatively easy going except for when there is a major case but overall everyone here is easygoing so don't stress about anything, also you can call me Liz" The scaled girl now known as Liz said which made Kentarou smile.

"Sure thing Liz-senpai!" Kentarou said as the two of them entered then Liz brought Kentarou towards Ryukyu's office.

"So Aizawa managed to pull it off" Ryukyu was actually surprised.

"Yes Mam however due to how he did it a little punishment was given to him also he took a look inside the box my parents gave me and well it wasn't meant for his eyes, even my own dad is scared of retribution whenever he pulls a stunt like that" Kentarou said with a angelic smile yet Ryukyu could only see Nezu behind the teen which made her gulp in fear.

One of the rules that all top heroes follow: Never piss off Nezu the principal of U.A. and now here is the successor right in front of her, she was really going to give Aizawa a piece of her mind later until she remembered what her intern had said.

"What was his punishment?" Ryukyu asked even though she very well knew that she would regret this later.

"I asked Midnight-sensei for Ms Joke's number then sent her to Aizawa-sensei, we had to light up plenty of incense sticks that day in front of Aizawa-sensei's portrait" Kentarou said while smiling which made Ryukyu chuckle outside but panic inside.

'What have you done Aizawa?!!!' Ryukyu shouted in her head but then she imagined him zipping up into his sleeping bag and say 'Worth it' then pass out.

Ryukyu couldn't help herself and lighted up an incense stick then bowed.

"Don't worry Ryukyu-san he is currently undergoing treatment from Recovery Girl, I also seem to remember her mumbling something along the lines of making Aizawa-sensei realise his feelings or something" Kentarou said while placing a finger on his chin acting innocent as if not realizing that he had given someone a great blackmail material for his dear teacher.

"You do know that he would punish you for this right?" Ryukyu asked slightly worried about the future of her intern.

"Aizawa-sensei wouldn't, he loves me too much" Kentarou said with confidence which is true in a twisted sense as well as a fear sense since Kentarou's IQ is just a point away from Izuku and 2 points away from Nezu. Besides by now Aizawa had figured out a relationship between high IQ scores and being a sadistic b@st@rd, except for Izuku who despite being the third smartest is still innocent, he even made a vow to never let him hang out with Nezu even if it cost him his life, he'd rather do that than risk a third one to be born. Thankfully Kentarou is often behaved whenever Ayako is near him.

Ryukyu couldn't even comment nor retort at what Kentarou had just said since she knew that the sleeping bag Aizawa is currently using came from Kentarou as well as Nemuri's pillow and mattress.

"Now how about we test out something?" Ryukyu offered as she revealed a hidden elevator from the walls, she expect for Kentarou to be shocked but she didn't even see him flinch.

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