USJ (part 3)

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Aizawa instantaneously unwinds his capture gear and corrected his stance into a fighting one.

"Those are not fake Villains they are real!" Aizawa announce which made most of the students scared except for a select few.

"Thirteen protect the students!" Aizawa ordered then jumped into the frey.

'Just how did they know? Could they be spies sent by the ones that are attacking right now?' Aizawa wondered but then he remembered Kentarou's and Asui's quirks which are vastly animal related which means they have the sensitivity of an animal.

'That has to be the reason' Aizawa thought and chose to believe in his students.

"Hmmm... there seems to have been changes from the schedule that we got, All Might is supposed to be here yet why isn't he?" A young man with light blue hair and hands all over his body said.

"No matter, we can just make him come here by killing some of his precious students" The light blue haired man said in a creepy manner while deeply emphasizing the 'precious students' part.

Aizawa jumps down towards the villains and started to beat them down quite fast but he was still only one man against countless small time villains/small time thugs.

"You really are a pro ain't you Eraser Head?" The blue haired man commented.

"I really hate it when Heroes live up to their hype, Kurogiri bring out Nomu" The blue haired man ordered then the mist behind the blue haired man started to gather and shape into a person.

"Shigaraki don't be hasty, All Might is not even here" Kurogiri tried to warn  the blue haired man but was ignored.

"Just freaking do it!!!" Shigaraki ordered while scratching his neck furiously.

A blackish purple man on steroids with a bird head while his brain is exposed went out of the mist that is Kurogiri.

Aizawa then started fighting against Nomu but is quickly getting pushed back.

'What the heck is his quirk?!!' Aizawa wondered as he was pushed back.

"Iida-san get the teachers!" Momo ordered, Iida hesitated for a while then started running towards the door.

"Kurogiri get them" The light blue haired man ordered then a man with mist like body started to go towards the students.

"I'm not going to let you!!" 13 shouted and opened up the cups located on the space suit which started to such Kurogiri in.

"Hmph! Too bad your specialty is rescuing and your opponent is me" Kurogiri said and opened up a portal of mist behind 13 which transferred the suction of the black hole to 13's back.

"As if I am/we're gonna let you!!!" Bakugou and Kirishima both shouted dive bombing towards Kurogiri. Kurogiri was quite surprised at this but then opens a portal in the path that the two were traveling in.

"Kirishima!!!" Mina shouted in worry.

"You idiot!!!" Kentarou shouted then changed his entire arm into a tentacle and tried to grab Kirishima but he was too late by just a split second.

"Ayako!" Kentarou said then grabbed Ayako using his other tentacle arm.

"Your all too troublesome, let me give you a free trip" Kurogiri said and started engulfed the entire class of students.

Iida was about to be engulfed until Shoji jumps in and blocks the mist for Iida.

"Go!!!" Shouji shouted before getting warped but what he did only gave Iida a couple of seconds to leave and the mist immediately started to catch up which got noticed by Kentarou.

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