A Quirkist School...

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After classes have finished Kentarou got called by the teacher and asked him to stay, more like forced him to stay.

"Kentarou Amajiki, you are going to stay in this classroom for hitting one of your classmates" the teacher said but what she didn't know is that Ayako was streaming the entire thing live using a skeleton parrot but you can't identify what kind it is. The rest of the class except for Kentarou left the classroom.

"Why do I have to stay?" Kentarou asked about to lose his cool.

"You used your quirk inside school grounds" The teacher said while slightly smirking.

"Oh? And why isn't that nuclear pomeranian 'Kacchan' here? He used his quirk against someone besides do you have proof that I used my quirk?" Kentarou asked while a smile was starting to form due to him getting angry.

"You used your quirk alright, nobody can stand those explosions" The teacher said.

"You said it yourself, nobody can stand stand those explosions and your fine with that nuclear pomeranian hitting a defense less boy?" Kentarou asked as his smile started to grow.

"Of course!! It's his fault for not having a quirk and your fault for having a villains quirk!" The teacher shouted which echoed all throughout the room and could slightly be heard outside.

"As I thought, your a damn quirkist aren't you?" Kentarou said menacingly but with no killer intent.

"So what if I am?" The teacher asked with a smug.

"Then your a useless teacher, allowing bullying and actually indirectly taking part in it, your like an actual Villain" Kentarou said but then he changed into a thinking posture.

"Nah... you being a villain is more like a praise since you help in creating future Villains" Kentarou said smugly.

"What if you said that to someone who is mentally weak and actually became a villain due to what you said and actually started a murder spree? Ever think about that?!!" Kentarou lost it his quirk slightly going out of control, his animal like instincts inside the locked part of his genes becoming active and wanting to tear the teacher apart limb from limb.

"That's fine, People with Villain-like quirk's should be Villains, people with Hero like quirks should be Heroes, and the quirkless should just disappear" The teacher said while having a psychotic smile.

"Now now
"You really are the scum of society, you make many of the pro heroes that have villain like quirks cry you know besides doesn't that nuclear pomeranian have an explosion quirk? That means his quirk is more villainous than most of the quirks here, I also bet that Endeavour came from this school, ain't I right?" Kentarou said as you can hear many chains being snapped away that was Kentarou's time limit on staying as a amalgamation growing.

"Your right, aren't you proud?!" The teacher asked still with the smile.

"No, more like disappointed" Kentarou said as the teacher activated her quick and metals around the room started to bend.

"Metal manipulation, a lot of potential but sadly it fell on a  Villain" Kentarou said taunting his teacher which she gladly took.

A piece of metal got launched towards him and he accidentally gets hit on his shoulder.

"You should stop now villain your injured, no better yet I should just kill you" The teacher said as she launched more metal towards Kentarou but he doesn't fight back instead he just dodged it.

This continued on and on, Kentarou purposely taking hits on non lethal areas but it all soon stopped since Ayako appeared with Cops and Heroes behind her who were actually pissed off at the teacher.

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