Fourth Day

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Overhaul and his goons went too far, they did something that shouldn't be done causing Ayako to finally break yet they didn't want her to die just as they still haven't had their fill of fun just yet. This caused Eri to take drastic measures to try and escape in order to alert someone of who she considers her Mama.

Izuku and Mirio are currently patrolling as was required for the internships which had been making Izuku extremely uncomfortable as he just saw his best friend get sedated forcefully by pretty much all of the UA staff and his lover is still in the clutches of Villains doing only God and the Devil knows what. As they passed through an alley, something fluffy that had dirty white hair rammed itself into Izuku, who retracted his armor right on time since if he didn't, then that fluffy white would probably be bleeding.

"Please help me and Mama" Eri said in such a low voice. Normal people shouldn't be able to hear her. Thankfully, she ran into Izuku.

"Can you tell me your name and the name of your mama?" Izuku asked, which made the little girl contemplate a little.

"Eri... Mama's name is Ayako..." Eri answered, which made something inside Izuku flare up from behind him while in front he is still his gentle self, which made Mirio amused but at the same time terrified.

Izuku picked Eri up and cradled her in his arm. While inspecting her features and he couldn't deny the similarities that Eri had with Ayako, her horn could have come from Kentarou along with her surprisingly strong grip despite looking quite malnourished That wasn't what concerned him most since he now knew who took Ayako now.

'I should tell this to Ken and let Overhaul get his retribution once and for all' Ziuku couldn't help but think.

"Please help us..." Once again, Eri said in barely a whisper as Izuku gently stroked Eri's hair comfortably, but it didn't help her much since she didn't know for how long Ayako could hold on anymore.

"Please hurry, Mama is..." Eri wanted to continue, yet the familiar sound of Overhaul's steps rang in her ears, which got enhanced due to Kentarou's blood, soup, and thermos.

"Eri come back here and don't trouble the heroes" Overhaul said as he came out of the shadows which made Izuku activate One For All and ready his builds in quick construct while Mirio looked shocked in both Overhaul's appearance and by how Izuku acted and looked.

"What is your relationship with her?" Mirio asked with his signature smile, which nearly made Izuku puke since he didn't like how that smile of his is so full of hypocrisy like Nighteye.

"I'm her father, we were just playing hide and seek earlier that's why we were in this alley" Overhaul patiently explained while Izuku had been making sure that his nanobots are all surrounding Overhaul and his body, he even went through the trouble of making the nanobots have quirk canceling properties thanks to the viral factor that was copied from Kentatou and the blueprints of quirk canceling cuffs.

"Why does she have so many bandages all over her body?" Izuku asked almost completely hostile as his eyes glared with anger at Overhaul.

"She gets injured quite easily due to her playing around a lot" Overhaul explained, not minding Izuku's tone.

"Now Eri don't trouble the heroes and maybe I'd even give you a reward and let Mama rest" Overhaul said which made Eri flinch then struggle to hurry down since she wanted her Mama to not be hurt anymore yet Izuku only tightened his grip on her yet it was gentle enough not to hurt her.

"Deku let her return to her father. She clearly wants to return" Mirio said with a smile as he placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, which made Izuku glare at him hard.

'Do you really believe Overhaul?!! Are you really a hero?!!!' Izuku's eyes seemingly conveyed.

'I don't not, but there are plenty of civilians here' Mirio explained with his eyes.

'Fuck that! My niece and sister in law are both being tortured by this bastard!! You go and evacuate them while I apprehend this bastard!!!' Izuku once again conveyed through his eyes.

'I know your angry but let's take this opportunity to plan out a raid' Mirio said which made Izuku scoff at his hypocrisy but was surprised when he was punched to the face by Mirio causing his hold on Eri to loosen and for her to return to Overhaul.

"Sorry about him, his gear seems to have malfunctioned and caused him to be locked in place" Mirio said once again with his smile.

"No problem heroes, it's okay really since I know how hard and time consuming it might be to reasses your gears however you should really do maintenance work on them if they stalled like that since it might just cause a life to be lost" Overhaul said however in his mind he was also disgusted by how Mirio acted. Overhaul carried Eri back into the alley and disappeared while Izuku was fuming right now.

What's worse is that it was a silent torrent of anger which short circuited every device in a fifty meter radius around them along with his nanobots rampage both outside and inside his body causing them to make more of itself.

Mirio didn't panic and only dragged Izuku back to the agency. Once there Izuku looked at Nighteye right in the eyes with hatred that Nighteye didn't know the boy in front of him could hold and reminded him of how All Might looked at All For One.

"I quit this internship" Izuku plainly said then turned to Mirio.

"And I am extremely disappointed in you LeMillion he trusted you yet when you were given the opportunity to save his significant other you turned around and didn't even try. So much for saving a million people" Izuku scoffed while Nighteye tried to place a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!" Izuku shouted with so much rage that even One For All responded and flared up making the whole agency shake and as that happened Nighteye and Mirio had been handcuffed with quirk canceling cuffs.

"All Might was right cutting ties with you!!! Both of you are not heroes in my eyes!!" Izuku shouted as he walked out of the agency.

Meanwhile, with the League of Villains.

"What's your next move leader?" Kentarou asked, completely content with his role as a heavy hitter. It was getting too stuffy in the hero course since he couldn't let his feral side loose too much.

"I've been getting requests from the Meta Liberation Army, the new cult of Anti Mutants, which is quite funny since we have a mutant in our midst, Quirkless Fighters for Tomorrow or QFT, but what interests me the most is the Shie Hassaikai" Shigaraki said as he showed the letters to Kentarou who frowned.

"The Yakuza? You do know that they work for those fools at the top, right?" Kentarou asked as his body blared to life in anger.

"Settle down. we are not going to work with them. We will just need to take the secret ingredient they use for the quirk erasing bullets" Shigaraki ordered, which made Kentarou sigh and sit down and listened to what Shigaraki wanted to say.

"Overhaul is just a weakling who has no sense of power so he needs to rely on such conventional and useless methods" Kentarou openly mocked as bullets would just go through his body while the rest of the League's eyes twitched since they can't brush off bullets like him since they are made out of flesh and bones!!

"What's more, there's an interesting piece of news I heard" Shigaraki started, which made Kentarou raise an eyebrow at him. "The Shie Hassaikai were the ones responsible for kidnapping the UA girl that freak of organisms is betrothed to. Just imagine tipping him this piece of information, then he would surely come racing down to their place and devour every single member" Shigaraki said while Kentarou also smiled and laughed inwardly while Himiko hid behind twice and Magne.

"Let's go, and start this bonus stage" Shigaraki said with glee evident in his voice.

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