Investigation and News

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After getting the notification of the files that Nezu sent, Kentarou quickly skimmed over it and already found damming evidences of Toga not killing any of her victims.

"Yo Nezu, are the police idiots or what?" Kentarou asked as if he wasn't talking with one of the most feared beings in the entire world.

"What do you mean Amajiki?" Nezu asked genuinely confused.

"All of the so called evidences are circumstantial and didn't even note the patched up stab wounds and worse even categorized them as cause of death even though those said wounds are already practically healed also another point I'd like to point out is taht all of the ones that have been targeted are all criminals although low ranking ones" Kentarou said which made Nezu look into the case more and even sighed in disappointment.

"Looks like forensics are gonna get a huge salary cut, anything else you'd like to say? Besides even if there are please just put it in an email so that I can sort them out later and help decide whether I should really make them have less salary also I am not even gonna ask how you were able to bypass the firewall of the police since their firewall is like crap" Nezu asked which only made Kentarou sigh.

"I second that but make sure that they do their jobs right cause if I am the one who comes there expect them to be a millimeter from death's door along with losing their jobs" Kentarou compromised, it may be out of character for Nezu to act like a subordinate but to be completely fair Kentarou had always been treated as Nezu's subordinate that is until when it comes to someone he cares about then their positions will be reversed cause Nezu doesn'twant to take his chances since Kentarou has blackmail on him and a massive one at that thus he can't do anythingagainst him but at the same time he owes too much to him as well and even if he is the most sadistic and oportunist rat chimera out there he treats his friends right even if he sometimes makes them suffer.

Kentarou then returned to the mountain base only to see Aizawa pacing back and forth while seemingly contemplating about something but then he stops as he felt Kentarou blatantly walk towards him.

"Okay problem child spill it" Aizawa said while Kentarou only wryly smiled as he knew that his own teacher would find out.

"Himiko Toga appeared and she confirmed my suspicions and although she ain't gonna go to the heroes side she ain't gonna let innocent civilians get dragged to any of the League of Villains schemes especially since she has four helpers namely Twice, Dabi, and Mr. Compress" Kentarou said which made Aizawa confused as hell since he heard reports and even saw Dabi and Twice do evil stuff like stealing and incinerating civilians.

"You'd be surprised at Dabi's real identity but it ain't my secret to tell since it is related to one of my classmate's problems and also they only attacked criminals even if some of them are well known to be incredibly good but those are only on the surface and although your an underground hero you are still labeled as a hero thus you can't dig deep in the Underworld also they are currently investigating a certain someone that personally if the information she gave me is true then I would love to rip him to shreds then turn him into a incredibly fat worm with constant sensory overload" Kentarou said with a smile which didn't fit the contents of what he said, now he knows what his students have to go through with him and he ain't liking it one bit.

"Mmm... Ken, I seem to not see the nuclear pomeranian anywhere along with a certain broccoli boy" Ayako said which made Wendy who is beside her hold her laughter but failing miserably but they were soon answered by a banged up Izuku with his arms going in all sorts of directions and plenty of lacerations everywhere.

"What in Hades happened to you?!!" Kentarou asked in surprise as he saw his brother like best friend be beaten to such a state.

"Trigger... plus Muscular... Is a bad combination... but still doable" Izuku said while trying to let out a chuckle but it backfired as he spat out blood.

"Damn dude shut up and rest" Kentarou said as he chopped his arm clean off then cooked them with fire then shredded them using air.

"DRINK THIS" Kentarou said while in a really muscular form making Izuku chuckle but once again backfiring since he spat out blood once again. Ayako then slapped Kentarou on the back of his head fearing that Izuku would die due to laughter not due to old age or due to a Villain what's worse is that this certain cause of death is on their list off one of the most embarassing deaths ever that they don't want to happen to them.

"...they ...took Kacchan..." Izuku said after being nearly drowned by the weird yet tasty drink that Kentarou gave him.

"Cool... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...WHAT?!!" Kentarou shouted as he accidentally released his self imposed seal thus accidentally making a crater and a Elemental disturbance, even Ayako had the same exact reaction but her voice was too quiet to be heard and only caused that is near her in a five meter radius die thankfully Kentarou's outburst was faster thus accidentally flinging Wendy into the skies or else there would have been a high chance that she would have died.

"That is not good, are those villains trying to convert him?!" Aizawa was genuinely worried while Kentarou looked calm which pissed Aizawa off.

"Don't worry about him turning into a villain cause that ain't ever gonna happen as much of an asshole he is and how I don't trust him that would be the only thing I trust him on also I'd be more worried about him physically since Toga still hold a grudge against him since he nearly blew her up when she accidentally encountered him" Kentarou said while Ayako nodded in agreement.

"I ain't getting paid enough to be worrying about you problem children thankfully I have two students who are obedient and doesn't cause troubles while one is passive aggressive" Aizawa said.

"Well that's a fair evaluation" Kentarou only said while Izuku's wounds can be seen healing though he somehow turned into a green furred rabbit.

Ayako might be immune due to Kentarou but Wendy wasn't but it wasn't the "I love cute things!!!" kind of stare it was more of a "A delicious piece of meat is here!!" kind of stare while saliva can be seen dropping from the corners of her mouth.

"Aizawa-sensei you might want to take Izuku away fast or else he might get eaten by a hungry dragon girl" Kentarou said as he pulled out a barbecue grill along with coal out of nowhere or more like created one.

Aizawa whi finally noticed the weird atmosphere surrounding Wendy immediately bolted out of there with Izuku on his arms, one chimeric dragon is enough for him to be chasing him down.

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