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Kentarou was practically going overdrive since once he saw the time he thought that he was going to be late for school.

"What are you doing, young man?" Katsuko asked her son who was practically speeding through the entire house.

"Mom! I'm going to be late for school!!" Kentarou shouted in a panic.

"It's Sunday besides once a child gets his quirk he will get a temporary leave for about three days in order for them to get the hang on their quirk" Katsuko said, Kentarou stopped at the hallway all dressed up for school. (like Izuku's Kindergarten uniform)

"Dad!!!!" Kentarou shouted then he searched the entire house for his father so that he could beat him up.... oops... punish.

"Is this going to be a regular thing now?" Katsuko mumbled while her hands are massaging her temples.

"He basically got the hang of his quirk already, I mean he is already using a cheetah's speed for God's sake!!" Katsuko thought but she didn't know that she accidentally let it out loud.

"By the way mom is Ayako going to attend the same school as me?" Kentarou asked with puppy eyes, Katsuko sighed and ruffled her son's hair.

"Yes of course we already talked to the school about it and they seemed excited, don't know what that was about" Katsuko said then Kentarou could only laugh dryly at that.

'I thinks that it is my fault for always getting the answers correctly' Kentarou thought while slightly smirking.

"Anyway go get changed were going to go to our private land so that you and Ayako can practice" Katsuko said but when she closed her eyes and opened it again Kentarou was already changed to his training wear which was a brown and black sleeveless hoodie with a red shirt underneath and black shorts along with wristbands on his arms and his black rubber shoes along with a backpack on his shoulders.

"Ready!" Kentarou chirped.

"Son, is Doctor Hamano sure that your quirk is essentially a mix of my and Tomoaki's quirk and sure that it isn't super speed?" Katsuko asked while Kentarou tilted his head while looking confused.

'Mom doesn't need to know about the fact that I was training with my quirk after I got into bed' Kentarou thought.


Kentarou went to his bed along with Ayako they got into the covers and Kentarou tried to sleep but he wasn't able too due to being nervous about having a girl sleep next to him so he used activated his quirk and made his body like an owl and since it was long ago and before he got his quirk he couldn't access what kind of owl it was and he could only mimic it's traits half heartedly.

'So my quirk depends can access the animals that I touched at the zoo but I can't use it to its full extent due to touching them before my quirk awakened but then again how could I change my hands into an octopi even though-' Kentarou thought then he remembered their little trip.

'If that was the case then why didn't I get the little notification?' Kentarou pondered then he remembered the event of him meeting Ayako which made him blush in embarrassment.

'There is this question as well, Can I only change into an animal or does this apply to things like golems since they are semi living beings and to plants or even to people with fantasy animal like quirk?' Kentarou thought harder but he soon gave up.

'I will learn of the answers sooner or later' Kentarou thought then he remembered what Doctor Hamano said about his DNA being altered due to his quirk.

'Does that mean that my quirk is more accurate to say that I am copying an animal's DNA then binding it with my own?' Kentarou thought cause he needs to test out his hypothesis since if that was the case then his quirk could potentially be more powerful than his older brother like cousin Tamaki so he'll need to wait for morning in order to test it.

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