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After the whole ordeal, Kentarou found himself in, then checking whether anyone else was attacked. He went towards the intercoms to use them.

"Listen up, students, an intruder has entered this building, so I am initiating lockdown, find the intruder, and be careful! This is not a test, I repeat this is not a test however the one to catch the intruder will be given a guaranteed license" Kentarou announced loudly with the voice he envisioned that he would have and the one he used when he was working as a Hero, after doing so he punched the emergency button so that the blast doors would be lowered and the vents would be heavily booby-trapped. After all, he doesn't love being played with by strangers, and thus, he immediately starts his hunt.

The organizers thought that this was the surprise event that Kentarou prepared and that plenty of the Heroes told them about. Honestly, they loved this idea so much that they decided to take note of it.

Wendy, who was sleeping at that time, got woken up so hard that her skin turned to scales luckily blocking a dart that was supposed to hit her.

Meanwhile, back with Yuuki and Ayako, Yuki had been deflecting darts back and forth despite her consciousness starting to slip out of her grasp. Ayako was also fighting hard as she somehow couldn't summon her skeletons and her quirk wasn't like Yuki where she can strap a sword around her waist and have her wings exposed 24/7, she can only summon and command skeletons after all which would unnerve anyone who sees them.

"Yuki, use your wings to run away!!" Ayako shouted as she continued to dodge the darts that were being shot toward her. It certainly helps when someone you know is incredibly unpredictable and is a spartan trainer.

However, no matter how skilled she was in dodging and no matter how strong her mental strength is, she can't dodge an attack from all directions. Thus, she was hit by a dart, which made her fall limp onto the ground.

"Ayako!!" Yuki shouted, hoping for someone to hear her while she desperately flapped her wings to hover, but she couldn't move any of her muscles in her body, which caused Kentarou's ears to perk up and immediately start running towards the viewing room where Yuki and Ayako were located.

"Shit! Kimera will be on his way, take the albino then retreat!" One of the culprits calmly ordered as one of them carried Ayako on their shoulder.

"no... don't..." Yuki desperately said as she stretched her hand, hoping that she could reach Ayako, but in the end, she couldn't and could only watch as her assailants disappeared while her consciousness started to fade.

Kentarou arrived too late. He even used his fastest chimera and even bit through the door, yet he was still too slow. All he could see in the room was Yuki on the floor, who passed out along with the heavy smell of narcotics filling the room.

"Damn it!!" Kentarou shouted as he checked Yuki's vital signs, not even caring about the confusion and damage he caused throughout the building.

"Izuku, Romeo, Wendy, Toga, I know that the four of you can hear me, take care of Yuki, and another thing that I can say now is don't stop me!!" Kentarou shouted as gigantic wings sprouted from his back and then burst through the roof as flames leaked out of his mouth while his eyes started to glow abyssal black.

Izuku, who, of course, heard the entire thing along with the commotion earlier and was already on the way took Yuki and gave her to Recovery Girl in order to treat her of any hidden injuries she may have.

Toga was the second to arrive. It didn't take long for her to solve the entire case.

"Izuku, I need to use my villain identity in order to help Ken, so please explain it to the teachers" Toga said as she changed into a bat and fly off towards one of the leagues' base but got ambushed by Kentarou.

"Took you long enough, now introduce me to the league" Kentarou said with fiery eyes that aim to kill. Thankfully, it wasn't aimed at her.

"Sure, but change your appearance and use another quirk" Toga ordered as she didn't want any complications to appear inside the League.

"I won't change my quirk nor cause too much trouble, but I sure am going to use another aspect of it" Kentarou said as he sub consciously showed his fangs making Toga gulp down the saliva that had built up in her mouth both due to fear and excitement.

Meanwhile, back with Izuku, Wendy had arrived at Recovery Girl's room only to find Yuki and Izuku in it.

"What happened?!" She hurriedly asked as she could immediately smell the narcotics and see the numerous strained muscles of Yuki.

"Someone really attacked the building and most likely took Ayako, causing Kentarou to almost go berserk, but I guess he still has someone anchoring him so that he wouldn't but he flew off in order ro search for the kidnappers while Toga is going to use her villain identity in order to help the search, the real problem is how long Kentarou can hold on" Izuku explained.

"What in hell happened?!" Romeo shouted when he arrived but then became wide-eyed once he saw Yuki.

"Who in Hades took her soul out of her body?!" Romeo once again shouted, causing Wendy to look once again at Yuki, only to see that what was in front of her was only an empty husk of a body, but she can still see some of it remaining.

"It's not her soul that is lost. It's her consciousness, my guess is that she is the one anchoring Ken-nii right now" Wendy corrected Romeo, who checked once again and then nodded in agreement.

"I am genuinely surprised that somebody managed to grow the balls to actually go for Ken-nii's weakness while fully knowing that Ayako-nee is more of a double-edged sword" Romeo said with a smirk fully trusting his adoptive siblings strengths.

"That's the thing, I don't think they know how powerful Kentarou has become after AFO forced quirks on him nor do we but it is highly possible that those villains are planning to use Ayako as hostage or kill her in order to piss off Kentarou" Izuku said but then a more grim scenario suddenly popped out of his mind.

"There is no way that Ayako-nee won't be able to escape. She is strong afterall" Wendy replied while Romeo once again nodded in agreement.

"What if they torture Ayako? What if she can't escape due to the villains torturing a child? The two of you should know full well that she wouldn't escape just by herself if she knows, what if due to that she is tortured then killed in the process?" Izuku asked while the Romeo let the information sink in his mind and process it. Once it was able to, he suddenly went through the door and then he was soon followed by Wendy.

"Damn it!! I ain't losing my family again!!" Romeo shouted at the top of his lungs, then transformed himself into dragonoid form.

"Romeo!! Please report to me at least once a week, I can't follow you in order to calm Mom and Dad while searching for information using the medical field, your the only one left that I care about from there" Wendy begged and explained while Romeo only nodded then flapped his wings in a powerful manner causing a sonic boom to be heard.

The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora