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The rest of the students continued on with their matches some easily defeating the others *cough* Todoroki *cough* while some just stood and did nothing since they weren't able to show off their quirks that much yet they did their best. The Amajiki sibling woke up after the last match finished.

"So I missed it..." Kentarou said dejectedly.

"Yeah dude that was a bummer" Kirishima said.

"Don't worry since by the words of a certain redhead 'OUR MATCH WAS SO MANLY!!!!' like that" Mina teased while trying to show off her muscles like how Kirishima does it which made the redhead a blushing mess.

"Still that spinning seriously drained me" Kentarou said while holding his head still getting a slight headache.

"By the way how did it feel like?" Mina asked.

"You'll feel like you've been thrown inside a washing machine, turned it on then have the washing machine placed in a moving rollercoaster" Kentarou explained while trying not to vomit.

"Something drained Ayako as well" Kirishima said.

"I'm more like mentally drained rather than physically drained" Ayako answered.

"Still thank you Kenta for not hitting any vital points while spinning like a mad porcupine amalgamation" Kirishima said.

"What are friends for" Kentarou said while smiling since he did it for two reasons one Kirishima is his friend two he'd die because of Mina and Ayako especially Mina.

"So I guess both of your quirks can no longer evolve" Mina said while the two Amajiki siblings looked confused.

"Don't look at me like that I mean you guys are already more powerful than almost anyone in class!! Don't tell me your quirks haven't evolved yet!" Mina shouted.

"It hasn't" Kentarou and Ayako both said at the same time then a sound of something getting broken can be heard.

"Those were still on their Mid growth!!!!" Mina shouted so loud that it surprised everyone in the classroom.

"Yeah, we just haven't umm... Needed for it to evolve" Kentarou answered.

"So what do you think will happen when your quirk evolves *kero*" Tsuyu asked joining in the conversation.

"I'd like to know too" Tokoyami interjected.

"Same" Sero came as well.

"Well if all things fall right into place I might, just might be either able to copy someone's animal transformed quirk state or I might be able to infuse someone's DNA with animal DNA" Kentarou answered truthfully since he's got nothing to hide.

"Why do you think that?" This time it was Todoroki who asked which surprised everyone.

"It's mainly because of our family tree's quirk lineage, my father's side always had analysis like quirk for example me I can determine which kind of animal a part of an animal came from, while in my mother's side is either bestowment or transformation" Kentarou explained.

"Then where does Ayako-chan fit in that explanation? *Kero*" Tsuyu asked which made Kentarou stiff and look at Ayako along with Mina and Kirishima.

"... it's because we're not really siblings" Ayako answered timidly which surprised everyone.

"She's joking" Kentarou said.

"Remember I told you about our mother's side or quirk lineage?" Kentarou asked and everyone nodded.

"I said bestowment or transformation then that means Ayako just got more genes from my mother than our father and Ayako can see information once she touches her skeletons" Kentarou said since he had been prepared for this ever since the beginning of the school year but it was also true which also confused him.

"So what do you think her evolved quirk would be?" Mina asked.

"I frankly don't know maybe she'll be able to turn into a skeleton or maybe she'll be able to get the skeletons to use their previous quirks when she summons them or maybe both in fact nobody knows" Kentarou answered.

"If you'd want to think more about what everyone's evolved quirks might be then ask Izuku, he'd be more than happy to help and speak of the cinnamon roll himself" Kentarou said as he pointed towards Izuku and the poor boy immediately got swarmed.

"Sorry!" Kentarou shouted and left the room along with Ayako.

'Sorry Izuku but we can't leave if they crowd us like that' Kentarou apologized inside his mind.

"Kentarou, your mean" Ayako said while puffing her cheeks.

'Cute!! But should I be happy to see her cute face or be sad that she called me mean? I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!!' Kentarou shouted inside his mind while on the outside he looks like a crazy person spinning his head repeatedly like an owl which made Ayako sigh and drag Kentarou back to their home.

The two Amajikis went home, had dinner, took a bath then slept. The next day Kentarou woke up so early in the morning that the sun haven't even started to rise yet, he prepared four meals and then started to train his body inside the gym.

After his training he went back inside, took a bath and ate breakfast along with everyone but then he felt something wrong was about to happen.

"Fudge... Ayako!! Let's go to school right now!!" Kentarou shouted while Ayako took a peak out of the bathroom.

"Kentarou I am still changing besides we're still have an hour" Ayako complained.

"Ayako I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen later outside the the school, more precisely it's the media they caught wind that All Might is teaching in UA so we should hurry up" Kentarou explained while Ayako hurried her preparations.

"Mo~!! You know I really hate many people so hurry up!!!" Ayako shouted then dragged Kentarou out of the house.

"What just happened?" Their parents thought as they watched the weird exchange happen right before their eyes.

The two arrived at their classroom and as expected there was still no one there.

"Okay Kentarou explain!" Ayako made Kentarou sit on his chair and gave him an angry look.

'Cute!' Kentarou thought but he can feel the danger imminent danger from that look.

"Ayako I honestly don't know, I just feel threatened... And no not by you it's something else like a villain but not your average villain... I feel like that they or he or she is strong, strong enough to face All Might and might have a chance to win and no no pun intended" Kentarou explained while Ayako just looked at him and inspected for any weird gestures.

'He so~ sucks at lying that's why he tends to fidget or do something with his body but... There's none right now and he is even trembling while some sweat is falling from his head' Ayako thought and dismissed it.

"Alright I'll believe you since you suck at lying and your normal gestures when your lying didn't happen, that's why I'll believe you" Ayako said and normally Kentarou is going to retort to that but he only stared at the window seemingly waiting for something.

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