The trauma is still there

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One peaceful day in heights alliance, the Amajiki family can be seen resting on a king-size bed as Kentarou can be seen hugging Ayako along with Eri, Akazuki, Alice and Yuki. This peaceful scene, however, was disrupted by a missile that smelled awfully familiar to Kentarou.

Once the realization set in, he immediately placed his dorm room to quarantine as he didn't want to turn into a girl anytime soon or ever for that matter, he also doesn't want to risk his daughters health from inhaling that gas.

*BOOOOM!!!* The entire heights alliance shook as the missile hit straight into the ventilation shafts.

"I am so glad that I sealed that shut, and we can live here indefinitely at least until that cursed gas dissipates" Kentarou couldn't help but say then he quickly made an extra layer of protection using his quirk since Kaminari, Momo, or Izuku might accidentally or intentionally disable his quarantined dorm room.

"Papa!/Daddy!/Dad!" Eri, Akazuki, and Alice all shouted in a panic as they jumped onto Kentarou's arms to feel protected cause, let's be honest, here he is one of the strongest beings alive.

"It's okay, everything is fine, at least in our home, since I isolated this place" Kentarou said in a comforting manner while Ayako and Yuki just smiled at what Kentarou was doing.

"You know, sis, I really want to try and give Akazuki and Alice siblings" Yuki said, which Ayako quickly picked up on the insinuation.

"I also want to give Eri a sibling, but I don't know how my death affected my body, I need to ask Recovery Girl first at the very least" Ayako replied. This however made Yuki flinch and caused her to bit her lip to suppress a wince.

"Sorry... I kinda forgot" Yuki said awkwardly since she really doesn't know what to say.

"It's fine, it's not like dying is a regular everyday thing well dying may be but resurrection isn't and my resurrection isn't like Kentarou's where his body is built once again, mine is more like my soul leaving then coming back when it heals enough" Ayako explained while Yuki just nodded.

"Then can you explain to me why Ken is scared of the supposed gas outside?" Yuki couldn't help but ask since it is one of the few things that she knows that scares Kentarou.

"Oh, it's a type of gas from the support course that makes you switch genders when you inhale it" Ayako nonchalantly said.

"Pretty much everyone had an identity crisis when that entire ordeal happened, but Ken had it the worst especially since according to him the libido of all female organisms combined along with him consistently dying for some time nearly made him have sex with any guy to continue the bloodline or something" Ayako continued which made Yuki shiver in fear.

"A super unexpected downside from an overpowered quirk" Yuki couldn't help but say while Ayako just nodded in agreement.

"Wait! Doesn't some animals have the ability to switch genders and some are capable of asexual reproduction?" Yuki asked just realizing the major problem.

"My quirk is still a quirk meaning my gender as a human is the staple, I can't just immediately produce egg cells and if I did then it would be in a sense your egg cells like what happened with Akazuki and Alice" Kentarou replied while Alice just blinked in confusion since it meant that she was born from an asexual reproduction but at the same time not really.

"Quirks are weird" Alice couldn't help but comment, making Eri and Akazuki giggle... well, Eri just looked amused despite still looking the same. 'Maybe a sibling thing?' She wondered.

Meanwhile, in Izuku's apartment, which had a complete makeover ever since his original quirk was returned, despite the gruesome way it was returned. His original room that is enough to make even Nighteye somewhat jealous, now his hero merch was more varied or more specifically hero merch of his classmates, class 1 B, and the previous OFA wielders much to Yoiichi's joy of having hero merch despite it being the only one in the world, there are also blueprints of useful theoretical machines being worked on his desk and a ton of blueprint papers beside it with his sketching tools. It especially changed now since his room and Ochaco's became one with an extra room to look like an apartment but Kentarou's is still fairly bigger for obvious reasons.

"Why did Kentarou suddenly use quarantine on his- oh fudge!!" Izuku shouted in a panic, getting Ochaco's and Talia's attention.

"Engage panic mode version air" Izuku commanded, then every vent and possible cracks were suddenly sealed.

"You better have a good explanation for your sudden actions, Izuku, cause you're scaring our daughter!" Ochaco demanded much to Izuku's chagrin since he didn't even consider that part.

"Well... that cursed gas is about to be unleashed into this building once again and I don't know if the gas has any negative side effects to children so I iniated this protocol in a hurry. I also noticed one heading straight towards some random warehouse" Izuku explained while Ochaco visibly paled.

"What gas is daddy talking about, mommy?" Talia asked, and as for how she is able to call Izuku and Ochaco daddy and mommy? Don't ask her since for her, it just felt much better compared to calling her original parents, mommy and daddy.

"You see my little planet, the support course had an accident in the support lab where someone accidentally created a gas that can turn boys into girls and girls into boys which was accidentally launched towards our building in the past and switched everyone's genders" Ochaco explained while Talia was just confused.

"Is that bad? Why?" Talia asked, which gave Ochaco pause since she doesn't know how to explain it, so she elbowed Izuku so that he could answer.

"My little star, you see when you grow older you will have preferences on what gender you will love more for example me and mommy love each other as a boy and girl respectively while your aunt Himiko and aunt Pony loves each other as both girls" Izuku gently explained while not noticing Ochaco's atomic blush since Izuku said that he loves her romantically.

"However the gas that changed our genders so we started to like the other gender of our lived ones like me when I turned to a girl and mommy turning into a boy, I started having feelings for the boy mommy" Izuku explained since he really doesn't want to give Talia a biased view.

"Doesn't that just mean that you don't like mommy for her appearance or gender but for who she is?" Talia once again causing her parents to look at each other since they didn't see it that way.

"I guess? I didn't even think about it in that perspective. However, it could cause harm to you, so we will stay here, okay? Thankfully, your uncle Ken always makes sure that I have emergency rations just in case" Izuku said as he stomped on the ground five times causing it to open up and reveal lots of food.

As for the second rocket, it hit the warehouse where the League of Villains were temporarily staying, causing quite the commotion especially Magne since she finally has a woman's body but trans also translated as changing genders so she had an extra appendage down there.

Tomura on his part just sighed and started playing Pokémon Ruby since he hadn't played the game in years however she immidiately started hating her current body since her shoulders started to hurt after a couple of hours due to the massive baggages on her chest.

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