USJ (part 2)

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The bus suddenly stops which halted the conversation  while something dangerous flashed in Kentarou's eyes.

"Everyone get off we're here" Aizawa ordered then got off of the bus with the students right behind him.

"What the hell?!! Is this Universal Studios Japan or something?!!" Kaminari loudly asked which especially hurt Kentarou's ears.

"Shut up you moron!!" Kentarou shouted then punched Kaminari while Mina went to Kaminari and checked his status.

"K.O.!!" Mina loudly announced which almost made Kentarou reflexively punch towards her thankfully Kirishima was able to stop him along with Ayako.

"...Kentarou what's wrong?" Ayako asked worried for her brother and love interest.

"Yeah bro, you normally don't do things like that especially since you almost hit Mina" Kirishima asked genuinely worried.

"I just feel uncomfortable about something and I feel that there is something dangerous  going to happen thanks to my animal instincts so be on guard" Kentarou said while suppressing his animal instincts telling him to evacuate the students and run like his life depended on it.

Kirishima, Mina and Ayako noticed that Kentarou wasn't just being overly cautious like always since there are beads of sweat trickling down his head for quite a while now.

"Ayako I think it's best for you to stay on the bus or summon a fast moving skeleton here with a note so that when something does indeed happen we can contact the heroes" Kentarou suggested while his discomfort was obviously shown in his face.

"...Okay" Ayako agreed to do the latter part and summoned a skeleton cheetah while Kirishima was thinking of something.

"Kentarou is your quirk active even though your not activating it?" Kirishima asked with a serious expression.

"Yes my quirk is always active since it has something to do with DNA so I think even quirk suppression cuffs won't affect me" Kentarou honestly told his best friend the truth.

"Then what would we do if hypothetically that you went berserk?" Mina asked her carefree attitude was replaced with a serious one.

"Honestly I highly doubt that since there is only technically one way that I will definitely go berserk and that is when I desperately try to protect Ayako or when she gets kidnapped that's why as long as Ayako is here then I will not turn berserk since it will pull out all of the stops and I will basically be a force to be reckoned with when that happens" Kentarou wryly smiled as he told them the truth.

"So basically either Ayako must always be protected or else the entire world might get destroyed?" Kirishima asked while shivering at the thought.

"Yes and Not necessarily but I think I would be stopped when someone with a cell destruction quirk or something with the power of All Might attacks me or a neurotoxin invades my body but the neurotoxin one better not be the permanent way of putting me down since my body will adopt to it" Kentarou honestly said meanwhile Kirishima and Mina took mental notes of this.

"Hurry up or else!!" Aizawa ordered which the students all followed.

"Can mister Aizawa's quirk affect you?" Mina whispered to Kentarou.

"Honestly, I highly doubt it since my quirk is in my DNA and I also don't sort off have a quirk factor so it can't be affected or in the case that it does it will just stop my transformation and it might do something weird like stop my limiters as well, I will basically be a human with the power of pretty much all animals on earth" Kentarou explained while Kirishima and Mina nodded in understanding while Ayako quietly listened.

"Get inside you stupid brats!!" Aizawa shouted which made the four go inside the USJ.

Class 1-A went inside the USJ building to see areas where different kinds of disasters caused by humans or natural means are being simulated.

"My name is the Space Hero: Thirteen and I have one or two or three... or four..." Thirteen kept increasing the number while two students were both being huge fans of the Space Hero one is Ochaco due to their quirks being sort off similar and Izuku who is an absolute fan boy of all heroes.

'I should probably protect Izuku as well, I can not let the villains have his brains!!' Kentarou thought as he remembered a certain notebook a certain someone left on a table filled with notes about heroes and their quirks, special moves, fighting styles, priorities, improvement ideas for their quirk and fighting styles, and most importantly their weaknesses.

'Definitely can not let the villains have him!!!' Kentarou thought and then dragged Ayako, Kirishima and Mina near the green head.

"Come on Kentarou what's wrong? It's not manly to just drag people around" Kirishima complained at first but then remembered what Kentarou said outside that was why he readied his whole body to go hard at any given moment.

"Are they close?" Mina asked sort off tense from the tension that the two boys were unconsciously emitting.

"We have two objectives here first and foremost protect your loved ones then protect Izuku" Kentarou declared meanwhile Aizawa was eyeing the four students huddled together and not listening to Thirteen's explanation.

"Amajiki-kun do you also feel it?" Tsuyu asked Kentarou while having a worried expression.

"Yeah, I can also feel it, My instincts have been screaming for me to run and take everyone away since we left the bus" Kentarou answered which only made Tsuyu more worried.

"Do you think anyone would have a chance against it?" Tsuyu asked worried.

"I think either a team composed of Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki might barely stall it for thirty seconds" Kentarou answered while beads of sweat started forming on his forehead.

"What if you join in?" Tsuyu asked.

"A minute" Kentarou said with fake confidence.

"What if I joined in?" Tokoyami asked since he had been listening to the five from the very start.

"Two minutes at most, enough time for everyone to escape" Kentarou said.

"What if I-" Kirishima was about to say something but was immediately interrupted by Kentarou.

"Rejected!" Kentarou firmly said.

"You need to be here so that you can protect the other's, be a hero not a fool" Kentarou scolded Kirishima meanwhile the curious Aizawa was surprised by what Kentarou had just said.

"Wow, UA sure does have a lot of funds to even recruit fake villains!" Kaminari said which alerted Aizawa and the six discussing their strategy earlier.

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