U.A. Sports Festival (Part 1)

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Todoroki was already receiving a lot of pressure from his father, who hopes for him to surpass All Might, just felt the weight on his shoulders increase by two for some unknown reason. He is already trying to prove to his father that he will surpass All Might without using his fireside yet even though this still falls as an achievement for his father in 'creating' a being able to surpass All Might even though he only used his iceside is exactly what he wants in order for his siblings to be saved from their father's torture. Everyone had just finished changing into their Gym Uniforms.

"Midoriya I have to admit your strong" Todoroki started while having a slightly gloomy expression due to the shadows created by his hair covering half of his eyes.

"Strong enough for All Might to notice" Todoroki continued now his expression serious while Izuku visibly got nervous, evident from his whole body trembling while sweat beads can be seen forming on his forehead.

"The Amajiki siblings as well, although nobody knows just how strong the two of you had gotten especially the girl twin still being quite the mystery, both of you had taken the interest of the Big Four" Todoroki pointed out to Kentarou and Ayako while Kentarou just smirked.

"Wa-What do y-you mean...?" Izuku shakily asked seemingly hiding something.

"So?" Kentarou asked seemingly having no time to care about what Todoroki just said while hugging Ayako from the back while Kirishima and Mina were just shocked by how Kentarou reacted since for as long as they know Todoroki and Kentarou doesn't have any bad blood between them.

"I think you know what I want to say" Todoroki criticized after he saw Kentarou's expression.

"Hahahaha! In fact, I do Half 'n half!! however, I'm not gonna say it" Kentarou said with a smirk while Ayako just looked up towards him with a confused expression to which he replied with a gentle smile so Ayako could only shrug her shoulders and melt into Kentarou's warm embrace.

"I will say it then, I Shoto Todoroki declare war on everyone in this room!!!' Todoroki announced which made Kentarou and Bakugou smirk while everyone else was just shocked, some even worried.

"Slow down Todoroki, I admit it is extremely manly to declare war against everyone here in this room but we are classmates, shouldn't we work together?" Kirishima tried to smooth things over but he was suddenly stopped by Kentarou placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head.

"Tch! I hate to admit it but I agree with freak and icy hot here, so SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!!!" Bakugou shouted as explosions kept on exploding on top of his hands.

"This is getting really hot-blooded" Uraraka commented while slightly feeling pumped up.

"I normally wouldn't agree with Todoroki-kun's, Bakugou-kun's, and Amajiki-kun's actions but it is a fact that this festival is a competition where we will be forced to face against each other" Iida said while pushing his glasses upwards as they started to glimmer for a second due to the reflection.

"Fufufu~ That's true, even though we are classmates we are also enemies" Yaoyorozu added as she calmly analyzed the scene in front of her as well as how Kentarou and Bakugou reacted with Todoroki's declaration.

Kentarou started clapping with a smile on his face however it wasn'tthe usual gentle smile that he always has but a slightly eerie one then he started talking.

"Well then it is now settled that Half 'n Half here is going against everyone which means he won't need any of our help when by some chance a team based competition is picked"

Once Kentarou said that Todoroki immediately realized his mistake and visibly paled while Bakugou started laughing.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! You have forgotten that we are in the hero course where teamwork is needed, WAY TO FUCK YOURSELF!!!" Bakugou couldn't help himself and started laughing like a maniac.

Yaoyorozu could only shake her head in disappointment from how Kentarou and Bakugou acted but then she noticed that Kentarou pointed it out in order for Todoroki to prepare for the off chance that it happens which made her smile even though she didn't approve of the method she approved of the result.

'Now it is up to you if you notice it' Yaoyorozu thought as she stared at Todoroki.

Todoroki noticed Yaoyorozu looking at him so he turned towards her while making a confused expression. Of course Yaoyorozu giggled, nodded, then turned around while Todoroki couldn't have been more glad.

"..." Ayako looked up towards Kentarou while having a puzzled expression which turned gentle in a matter of milliseconds and gently patted Kentarou's head, knowing what he really did while Bakugou only scoffed at the relationship between Ayako and Kentarou.

"Your siblings yet your more like lovers..." Bakugou muttered under his breath which made Kentarou smirk smugly once he heard his mutter which of course enraged him...

"Tch" Bakugou decided it wasn't worth it while Midoriya just looked shocked by the whole exchange while Uraraka was unknowingly clutching on Midoriya's arm looking like her life depended on it.


A/N: Sorry everyone about the fact that I only updated now. My excuse Genshin Impact made a huge update to which I needed to catch up on, I rewrote the entire arc ten plus times, I can't go to my writer's closet with my phone, needed to catch up on many novels and manga, had to reread the entire manga of Boku no Hero as well as still currently watching the anime.
Also my personal FB account got hacked which made me lose all of my progress in Azure Lane so I have been grinding on my new account, just got to the point where I seemingly have too much oil and money but not enough blueprints.

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