Overhaul vs Disaster

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Even if Kentarou had a massive hold of his quirk he really can't control it currently as every single one of the consciousness inside his body had been rioting and wanting to kill Overhaul which he would really love to do but going in blindly will only get him killed even if he could revive himself besides it would only make Overhaul more powerful.

'Now that I think about it, can't I just throw him to space?' Kentarou was thinking of such a possibility.

'Nah, he might hijack an asteroid and send it hurtling towards here, then this planet would be screwed' Kentarou thought as he finally found Overhaul stuck under rubble with a bleeding forehead.

"I ain't taking my chances" Kentarou said as he tore off his arm which immediately became horribly transformed, the base seems to be of a dragon's yet it has misshapen claws, fins, and spikes.

"Die!" Kentarou shouted as he threw the amalgamated arm to Overhaul while the stump where it left had now fully grown to a new hand.

Overhaul smirked and grabbed the hand, and used it to repair any wounds he got.

"That was an idiotic move hero, or should I say Kentarou Amajiki, the future husband of the girl I killed? Like the thing I did to her body? It looks like a work of art now, doesn't it?" Overhaul mocked yet he could only see Kentarou smiling with dull eyes, he knew that look and really loved it whenever he saw someone make that look however this time it made him scared and made his eyes go wide.

The wind started to howl, clouds started to gather as dark blue jiao dragons made of flames and lightning started to swim through them, cyclones started to appear, the ground started to shake and started to open up revealing boiling hot magma erupting from the depths, pipes started to make noise as the water they contained raged until finally bursting through, forests started to grow out of the barren ground, hail started to pour down from the clouds combining with the cyclones, he could even swear that he heard the angry roars of beasts behind the boy. What's worse is that it wasn't the end as all of his quirks activated even the temporarily locked ones, causing all sorts of phenomena to occur.

"HahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Kentarou started to laugh as he placed a hand on a side of his face, then a crazed look was seen.

"Ayako was my shackle from bringing death, chaos, and destruction to this world while the same could be said for me to her yet here you are thinking that you are God and tore off my chains, a foolish thing to do if I do say so myself, truthfully if you had gone after me and not her she would still do what was right and be a hero" Kentarou started to lecture Overhaul as he went closer, Overhaul wanted to move yet he couldn't, the difference in power was too much.

"YOU SADLY MADE A MISTAKE GOING AFTER HER, I'M NEITHER A HERO NOR A VIGILANTE NOR A VILLAIN" At this moment Kentarou is already in front of Overhaul's face.

"I AM DISASTER ITSELF!!!" Kentarou said as he turned into his dragon form however this time he also used his favorite animal and mixed them creating a beastly draconian form but much more elongated than normal along with segmented sections which each housed a pair of legs and wings. His wings outstretched the membranes of such a weird mixture for aquatic animals and a bat which then got covered by fur and feathers that's also covered in sheets of ice, five sharp claws in each paw that is seemingly made out of alloy, a fluffy tail with a stinger dripping with venom, eyes sharp a strange mixture of a lizard, a wolf, an owl, a crocodile, a hawk, an eagle, fangs sharp that are ready to tear through flesh along with all sorts of other animals which are mostly mammals due to them dominating the planet in terms of evolution yet his very fur and feathers are harder than most exoskeletons as his quirk decided to work with him wholeheartedly in this fight and automatically discarded any useless or excess combinations along with combining different properties of different elements. Not to mention that his feathers can be launched off like missiles and even explode thanks to a certain tree. The internal structure of his body becomes a strange mix of organic parts and seemingly inorganic parts.

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