First Morning

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The sun started to rise signifying another day have started and it was time for our two extras (in Katsuki's words) to wake up and prepare for school.

"Son wake up or you'll be late for school" Tomoaki gently shakes his son who was still sleeping despite doing so.

"Five more minutes dad..." Kentarou mumbled as he slumped back to his bed and got back to a comfy position.

'You asked for it' Tomoaki thought and said the sentence that Kentarou dreaded to hear.

"Ayako's crying you know since her knightly big brother isn't going to be there for her" Tomoaki teased.

"I'm up!" Kentarou shot up from his bed then fixed it so fast that you'd argue to the point that he has a speed type quirk. He then went down the stairs to see his mother still cooking their breakfast.

"What's got you so worked up so early in the morning?" Katsuko asked her son but he was still looking around the kitchen.

"Mom where's Ayako?" Kentarou asked completely oblivious to the fact that he cleaned and fixed his room while Ayako was still sleeping on his bed but the worst part is the fact that he tried not to disturb her in the process.

"Wasn't she sleeping on your bed? She has not gone down yet" Katsuko answered while flipping the bacon's that she is cooking while Kentarou looked furious.

"Dad!! You better start hiding!!!" Kentarou warned then he chased after his dad while the one being chased was laughing but sadly he got caught by his son's tentacles which appeared or more like came from his son's arm.

"No quirk usage in the house young man, it's against the law" Tomoaki said but Kentarou smiled at this.

"Oh really Dad? I seem to remember you infinitely using your quirk on us besides how would kids be able to train their quirks if they aren't allowed to use them at their homes?" Kentarou asked his Dad who is struggling to get out of his slimy bindings.

'Tch I thought he only had the Dire Wolf one since that was when his quirk awakened but apparently his body remembered all of the animals he touched when we went to the zoo and aquarium' Tomoaki thought.

"Ah... They have special permissions?" Tomoaki said with unease.

"Really dad?" Kentarou asked while his eyes were squinted.

"This is why I wanted a daughter and not a son!!" Tomoaki shouted but then he got hit by a grizzly bear's claws at the back of his head.

"Then you'd rather want a daughter who is close to you at first and say things like 'I will marry papa when I grow up' with the cutest and most innocent face ever?" Katsuko asked.

"Of course!" Tomoaki shouted his answer.

"Then when they grow up and your still fawning over her she'd think that your a creep and start avoiding you" Katsuko said then Tomoaki acted like he got shot by a bullet right through his heart since he started clenching the part of his chest where his heart is.

"In my opinion a father would likely go for a son more than a daughter, sure your son will start off by being close to the mother but then they will naturally gravitate towards their father and his hobbies" Katsuko said while Tomoaki got hit again.

"So that's why a father would want a son and a mother would want a daughter luckily this household has both" Kentarou accidentally said since he was analysing what his parents were talking about.

"Kentarou go wake up your sister Ayako" Katsuko ordered.

"Yes mam" Kentarou said while saluting then he deactivated his quirk.

"You just made him more distant to you" Katsuko said then Tomoaki noticed his mistake then he went to a corner and started drawing circles there.

"Come on, breakfast is ready those two will probably come down any second now" Katsuko said while trying to cheer up her husband.

Meanwhile on Kentarou's and Ayako's room. Kentarou was actually admiring Ayako's cute sleeping face but he decided that it would be creepy for her brother to do that. But he also took a picture of her sleeping face and saved it on his phone. The two were arranged to share Kentarou's room until they grew up, thankfully Kentarou didn't own much so there were just a bookshelf half filled with books while his bed can easily fit two adults so there were no problems there.

"Ayako wake up, breakfast is ready" Kentarou said as he gently nudged Ayako who just shifted her position, Kentarou repeated this same method over and over again but Ayako just doesn't want to wake up.

"Okay then you forced me to do this" Kentarou mumbled.

"Last chance Ayako" Kentarou warned while his hands grew feathers and getting ready to tickle the poor sleeping girl.

"I warned you" Kentarou said then he started tickling Ayako who woke up at the feathers first contact with her skin that caused her to start laughing, Kentarou continued his assault of tickles but Ayako started to fight back by throwing her pillow towards Kentarou's direction but he easily dodged it.

Laughter filled the room until Ayako got a clear shot at Kentarou also add the fact that the two were exhausted.

Ayako puffed her cheeks then crossed her arms on her chest, pouting.

"Come on Ayako I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't no matter how hard I tried" Ayako just looked away and puffed her cheeks more.

"Come on Ayako I'm sorry" Kentarou apologized then Ayako looked at him still with her pouting face which Kentarou took a picture off unnoticed.

Ayako put her hands out as if asking for something, Kentarou got the message and hugged her which got seen by their parents who actually took pictures.

"You know your not blood related and just tied by the law right?" Tomoaki asked which surprised the two causing them to look away from each other and separate. Tomoaki then got hit on his head by his wife.

"Don't listen to him your siblings now" Katsuko said but the two still didn't look at each other since they were blushing which in Katsuko's opinion is very cute.

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