USJ (part 1)

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Classes started like normal, Aoyama being Aoyama, Mineta being a pervert, Tsuyu speaking what's on her mind, Izuku mumbling hero facts, Bakugou being angry at Izuku, Iida scolding the nuclear pomeranian, Kentarou being intimate in a sibling like manner with Ayako and Ayako going along with it even though her ears are pretty much covered all the time due to a certain ash blonde guy.

"Allright everyone listen up" Aizawa said in a non interested manner then the students shut their mouths and listened.

"It was decided for you guys to be supervised by a three man team Me, All Might and one other person" Aizawa said in a bored manner.

"Sensei What will we be doing?!" Sero bravely asked the man in black with goggles and mummy bandages on his neck while raising his hand.

"You guys will be undergoing a rescue training"

"Doesn't this sound a little hard?" Denki asked no one in particular.

"Idiot" Jiro mumbled.

"Totally" Mina answered.

"C'mon guys this is what a hero do and it's super manly!" Kirishima said excited.

"If it's a flood then I'll be of great help" Tsuyu spoke what's on her mind.

"Troublesome..." Kentarou mumbled.

"... I think that this will be fun" Ayako shyly said which turned Kentarou's gears.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go!" Kentarou excitedly shouted.

'What the hell happened?!! Didn't you just say that this would be troublesome?!!!' Izuku and Ochaco wanted to retort.

"Don't get to ahead of yourselves since this is training you decide whether you will use your hero suits or your PE uniforms, We will go there by bus so hurry up" Aizawa said then pressed a button which made some parts of the wall extend which housed their suits.

"I'll use my suit or else I might return here naked" Kentarou shyly mumbled while Ayako nodded then covered him.

"Umm... Ayako?" Kentarou asked surprised of her sister's actions.

"... The only females allowed to see Kentarou's body is me and mom" Ayako firmly said even though it wasn't loud and can only be faintly perceived by normal people or people that doesn't have mind reading or super hearing or the likes.

"Ayako I won't change here" Kentarou said then ruffle Ayako's hair which made her blush then run off towards the girl's changing room with her suit.

"Honestly, she never changes" Kentarou mumbled then grabbed his stuff and went to the boy's changing room.

"I think I saw something incredibly sweet yet criminalistic" Kaminari said while the others nodded.

"I love immoral stu-" Mineta said while doing a thumbs up only for him to be grabbed by a tentacle with lobster claws.

"Rules to Survive in UA: Never ever in any circumstances say anything dirty towards the female Amajiki" Kaminari said while he noted it down in his tiny notebook.

"Noted" everyone agreed then also left meanwhile a certain grape head got what he deserves and got stuck bouncing around inside a improvised cage because of his quirk.

"Woah!! What the hell happened?!" Kirishima who didn't know what the Grape boy said or did was astonished at the sight while Kentarou glared at him.

"Ah... so that's what it was" Kirishima understood and silently prayed for the grape boy's salvation.

The grape boy was released after everyone finished changing.

"In order for us to board neatly please form to lines according to your class number" Iida said while in full throttle.

They followed Iida's instructions but...

"So it was this kind of bus!" Iida said in regret while hanging his head low.

"It turned out to be useless" Mina said which caused Iida to take another heavy blow.

"Hey Midoriya, I always say what's on my mind so please don't get offended by my nature" Tsu said.

"Ah!? Hi? Asui?!" Izuku didn't know how to address her that's why he was acting this way.

"Call me Tsu" Tsu requested then Izuku nodded in acknowledgement.

"Your quirk greatly reminds me of All Might's" the always blunt Tsu lands a critical hit on Izuku how will he respond to this?

"!!!!!" Izuku was incredibly shaken.

"Mina please stop joking around"

"OH come on! I just wanted to have a little fun" Mina honestly said then stopped.

"I-is tha-that so~ ha-ha-ha-ha-ha" Izuku laughed while scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait up, Tsu-chan All Might never hurts himself and that's where the likeness ends" Kentarou covered for his old buddy while Izuku awkwardly laughs it off.

"To be honest I am kind of jealous of your quirk, it's really flashy while mine is just this" Kirishima said then hardened his arm.

"Kirishima-kun I think it's quite amazing already since its pretty practical in both offense and defense so you can protect others better while also dishing out some damage!" Izuku said in excitement switching the topic.

"Pros' huh isn't the department of heroics just a huge popularity contest?" Mineta asked.

"My navel laser is both powerful and flashy!" Aoyama declared while looking at Kirishima with his head resting on his hands.

"But it would be bad if your stomach just collapsed" Mina bluntly said Aoyama's weakness which made the guy stop sparkling.

"Thank you very much Mina!" Kentarou sincerely thanked Mina while the girl herself is quite confused.

"If we're talking about a quirk that is both flashy and strong we can't forget to mention Bakugou, Todoroki, Kentarou, and Aya- female Amajiki-san" Kaminari exclaimed and switched the way he addressed Ayako due to the sudden killing intent directed towards him.

"Tch" Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Todoroki is too cold but I think that can boost his popularity" Momo joined in.

"Amajiki-chan is shy, cute, beautiful  and looks kind of frail to the point that you'd want to protect her so I think that she will be fine" Iida commented.

"Too bad that we won't ever get any panty shots or fanservice since Kentarou is a overprotective" Mineta commented which earned him a ape and elephant powered punch courtesy of Kentarou which knocked him out cold and shook the bus.

"Bakugou is always fuming and is a ticking time bomb so he can't be popular *Kero*" Tsu commented.

"What did you just say Frog face?!! I'll kill you!!!" Bakugou cursed.

"See" Tsu pointed out.

"It's only been a while since we knew each other but we can all agree that Bakugou's attitude is basically turd that is inside of a gutter" Kaminari teased the nuclear pomeranian.

"What did you just say?!! you Pikachu reject!!! And what'sup with your vocabulary?!!" Bakugou looked like he was gonna murder an innocent bunny.

"He was just telling the truth" Kentarou commented while a certain someone was enjoying yet feared it.

'As expected of UA, Kaachan being on the receiving end of teasing' Izuku thought.

The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ