Media Break In

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The morning started as hell for almost everyone because of the paparazzi.

"Hope you rested well from yesterday's training, and I took the liberty of examining all of your battles" Aizawa said in a monotone way.

"First off Bakugou don't act like a child who lost his lollipop from someone, your wasting your talent" Aizawa scolded in a monotone way which made Bakugou slightly depressed.

"Midoriya are you always going to destroy something along with your arms and don't even say 'I can't control my quirk that's why I can't help it' all of you are in the same boat just look at the Amajiki siblings, one wrong move and they'll turn berserk" Aizawa scolded which made Izuku slump down on his table.

"Iida great plan especially since you were fighting Uraraka but stop it with the long monologues since that almost never happens and a villain who does that is a idiot" Aizawa praised then scolded which made Iida reflect.

"Uraraka don't easily give your position away" Aizawa scolded.

"Mineta stop doing perverted things or you'll get expelled"

"Aoyama your too flashy"

"Ashido don't play around"

"Yaoyorozu great plan but be mindful of your allies since you never know when one could backstab you" Aizawa said while glaring at Mineta along with the girls which made the purple goblin sink on his seat.

"Todoroki don't just freeze the entire building since it might collapse and what if there were some information missing and some hostages were in there"

"Sato don't just blindly rush in"

"Koda try to control a much more diverse range of animals and always keep a flying one with you, you can make Amajiki for help" Aizawa lectured while Koda nodded.

"Amajiki" Aizawa said then the two stood up.

"No not you, the boy one, female Amajiki you did great" Aizawa said then Ayako sat back down.

"You could have transformed into a dragonfly or something then camouflage to easily capture the bomb, why didn't you?" Aizawa asked while glaring at Kentarou who was slightly fazed by it.

"Sensei it's because this is a team battle training, if I did that then the others wouldn't be able to show off their quirks and not gain any combat experience besides Sero-san made small traps like spider webs just in case so that I could be captured if I did that besides Ayako thought that I would do that so that we could easily win making the outcome more unpredictable" Kentarou answered honestly while the others were just surprised that he thought of things that far.

"I just wanted to know and you did a great job utilising your enemies dislikes as your advantage all in all great work" Aizawa praised Kentarou which made the entire class perplexed.

"The rest of you great job but now for a much more pressing matter, the outcome of this might affect your entire lives" Aizawa said while the atmosphere turned tense.

"You'll be choosing a class president" Aizawa continued which made almost everyone fall down to the floor.

"Pick me!!" A chorus of that then occured.

"Everyone we should think of this calmly like adults, I propose we use a voting system, is that alright with you Sensei?" Iida asked.

'You just want us to vote for you' Almost everyone thought.

"Just be done with it before the period ends, I'm taking a nap" Aizawa said then pulled out a sleeping bag and turned into a cocoon.

"I honestly agree with your idea but we barely know each other... Well except for a few exceptions so how are you sure that no one will vote for themselves" Kirishima said.

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