Middle School

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After a lot of bullying that occurred in the school along with the arrest of a teacher it was decided that the school who let that happen should be closed down after the students finish their studies.

Kentarou protected Ayako like he is supposed to do. He even occasionally protected Izuku from Katsuki Bakugo.

It was a day like any other day until Kentarou was tasked to clean the room so he did that but while he was doing that somebody began bullying Ayako.

"Your a Villain!" A girl with razors protruding out of her arms shouted while throwing some stones, it was the usual trope of someone bullying someone because they were also bullied.

Ayako didn't say anything she only summoned ten skeletons of large tortoises as her shield while hoping for Kentarou to come. The insults still came unaffected by the shield she put up while she is being cornered.

"Come on girls we need to put this Villain in her place" the girl with razors said as other girls surrounded Ayako some skeletons actually being damaged by the others quirks.

"Hahaha Villain Villain" all of them chanted.

"She is just a villain hoping to hide behind our prestigious back's hoping to not be caught" some said.

"I really like her brother though but sadly he is a total siscon" a girl with ice around her body said.

"Then aren't they perfect from becoming a Villain I mean no one will tolerate sibling being all lovey dovey" another girl said.

"Yeah that siscon of a stupid brother will become a villain no doubt, he even made our teacher be expelled" a girl with fire enveloping her feet said as she was kicking and destroying one skeleton tortoise after another.

Ayako was slightly becoming angrier by the second since she can tolerate any kind of insult aimed towards her but nobody insults her brother, she touched the ground making it glow. She was about to summon a Skeleton army but she stopped when somebody actually protected her from a blast of fire.

"Attacking someone just because of their quirk, your the ones acting like a villain right now!!" Izuku shouted as he continued to block the assault that was supposed to hit Ayako.

"He protected me and believed in me now it's time for me to return the favour" Izuku said as he stood there withstanding blast after blast until Katsuki came in.

"Look guys the useless fuck Deku is trying to be a hero" Katsuki said while smirking as tiny explosions went off on his hand.

"Kacchan" Izuku mumbled.

"Look here Deku this is what a hero should do!!" Katsuki shouted as he launched towards Izuku and Ayako his hands popping with explosions, the two braced themselves for the explosion which never came.

"I leave for a couple of minutes and this is what you do, your no heroes your just some incompetent kids trying to play hero while being a villain in the process" Kentarou said but something was wrong he was bigger and slightly looks older than normal.

Kentarou was towering over Katsuki while his body is enveloped with a carapace of a Euoplocephalus courtesy of them going to a museum which had a fossil touching event.

Kentarou then shifted his hands into a  Doedicurus' tail which was like a mace and hit Katsuki on the gut making him fly towards a tree.

Unknown to them a hero was watching, an underground hero to be exact who looks like he hadn't had any sleep.

"Nice one kid" The hero said while smirking.

"If I find someone doing this again you'd be like him" Kentarou said as he pointed at Katsuki and of course the others weren't scared so they became additions to the butt whooping that Kentarou gives out to the bullies.

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