Fifth Day

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Overhaul finally had enoug of Eri's blood in order to make dozens upon dozens of warehouses of quirk erasing bullets and decided to finally free Ayako from her suffering. He straight up opened up her stomach causing her to vomit a large amount of blood to the point that she is drowning in it, and take out her organs except for her ovaries, womb, vagina, eyes, and brain for some weird reason as his whole body vehemently stopped him from even touching those parts. Again he didn't even try to take a peek at her private parts since his body shuts down every single time he tries to lift up Ayako's shirt in order to take her lungs and heart easier. What's more horid than what he is currently doing is making Eri see the entire thing forcefully, making the poor girl cry harder than what she does for herself.

"Take care of the disposal and at least put her in a coffin, I don't know why but my body has been screaming at me to run away but right now I have an important meeting to get to-" Overhaul didn't even get to finish his statement as he saw Shigaraki and Kentarou enter while Kentarou who smelled Ayako's blood on him made his eyes bloodshot yet he reigned himself in.

"You know, we could have been great friends if only you weren't dumb enough to piss off a certain student of UA cause out of everyone you targeted you just had to target her" Shigaraki started as Kentarou waved his hand in order for him to take the quirk erasing bullets that were in Overhaul's jacket.

"No bad blood?" Shigaraki asked.

"Of course, wanna hang out and play some games after this is all over? Either in prison or at the new hideout?" Kentarou asked.

"Sure thing as I quite enjoy planning the operation with you and of course I trust that you won't spill it to the heroes" Shigaraki said with his now usual confident smile.

"Hahahaha!! Of course, of course! They still owe me massively for letting her get kidnapped, not sniffing out who kidnapped her, and I can easily tank the hits any of you send to me. You guys just follow the deal" Kentarou said with a smirk.

"Right, you can take the vampire back with you, although this will make the difficulty harder. I still have a trump card of calling you to my aid when I need it. Perhaps I will need your aid at the Meta Liberation Front stage" Shigaraki said.

"I'll be waiting, just two things I gotta say those bullets have human blood in them so just replicate these blood in order to make those bullets although it will make it inferior as they can only erase temporarily it can still be used as an aerosol, second I want a quirk of my specification and no I ain't be the one consuming it nor Ayako nor any heroes don't worry nor will I return All Might back to his prime" Kentarou said which only made Shigaraki freeze at the start but laugh at the end.

"For your kid?" Shigaraki asked.

"Maybe, but I'll totally make you their uncle" Kentarou replied.

"At least they will have someone to teach them culture" Shigaraki huffed.

"True that" Kentarou answered as he waved goodbye to Shigaraki as he vanished into the earth and returned at the base.

Overhaul just listened to the entire conversation in shock as alarm bells keep blaring in his mind to the point that it caused his entire body to lock up in fear and confusion. Once his brain regained clarity Shigaraki had already escaped and Kentarou already left to search for his mate. This caused Overhaul to take a shortcut by utilizing his quirk to open the ground and race towards where Eri was and maybe use Ayako's corpse as a bargaining chip or something.

Himiko wondered as to why Kentarou didn't return with Shigaraki, who only looked amused at her confusion.

"Return to the heroes Himiko, don't worry about the embodiment of absurdity he is currently going to the rescue the princess quest and I've known from the start thus we made a deal where we both benefit" Shigaraki mused as Twice looked at Himiko with a betrayed look in his eyes.

"Wait a minute Twice, don't look at me like that I am only staying there but I am purely in Chimera's side not the heroes' side since he doesn't really care about the squabbles between the two forces at most we will just go and fake a battle with you guys with the end as you guys escaping" Himiko explained while Dabi raised an eyebrow at this.

"She is telling the truth, so let her go" Shigaraki said as he laid on a sofa and set up his gaming gear much to everyone's chagrin but in the end didn't mind it since they are all starting to develop a curiosity at video games.

Himiko took this as a chance to escape despite them already letting her out, she then went to an alley after a couple of minutes of flight then took off her clothes and drunk Kentarou's blood in order to turn into the female version of him with his clothes but made to fit a girl and his pants is replaced with a short skirt

"Sheesh, she didn't need to go that fast and far, I always honor a deal" Shigaraki said as he looked at a dot on his phone that stopped moving.

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