Special Chapter

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Kentarou and Ayako are peacefully walking around the city without any destination, stopping here and there to eat while many of the girls were jealous as hell since Ayako didn't even care about the amount of calories she is eating.

They continued to walk until they saw a troubled looking man dressed as a doctor, since they didn't know this doctor they decided to ignore him in order to continue their date but fate seems to love playing tricks with the two of them.

"Oya, just when I needed you Amajiki-kun" Recovery Girl said which made Ayako speechless while Kentarou could only awkwardly laugh at his luck.

"What's the problem Rrcovery Girl?" Kentarou asked since he owes a lot to Recovery Girl since she willingly stored a whole lot of his blood so that he could revive whenever he needed.

"A young patient we have been monitoring and trying to cure ever since her birth is now near her last breaths" Recovery Girl said with a sigh a disappointment. Kentarou frowned as this just outright destroyed the mood that he and Ayako were having.

"And how can I be of help?" Kentarou asked with a calm tone even if he was annoyed.

"Her disease is genetically bound to her and she lost her quirk or more like it was stolen" Recovery Girl said with a serious expression which made Kentarou frown.

"Recovery Girl you and I both know that genetically bound diseases can be cured by today's technology" Kentarou replied while Recovery Girl only nodded but shake her head in the end.

"We don't know what disease it is thus we need your expertise" Recovery Girl said which only made the doctor shocked that a adolescent boy knew more about the human genome more than the legendary Recovery Girl.

"I understand" Kentarou replied and followed Recovery Girl with Ayako in tow since he also can't help but be intrigued at the prospect of knowing something new.

Once the three of them arrived at the special room. Kentarou and Ayako saw a girl strapped on near countless machines and looking extremely malnourished to the point that she is almost made out of skin and bones while her head is covered by a bulky contraption, Ayako couldn't help but gasp and feel pity towards the girl who is only fourteen years old according to the little nameplate on the glass window, she started to wonder what this girl had to do in her past life to deserve this kind of fate.

"Please sanitize yourself before entering" Recovery Girl said but Kentarou didn't listen and directly barged inside as he felt a connection with the girl which made him shake his head, he placed his hand on her fragile ones. Recovery Girl saw this and didn't say anything cause either way she was gonna die at sunset.

"Geez, even if I am virtually powerless doesn't mean that I don't care about my body handsome onii-chan" a voice of a girl echoed throughout the room as a healthy face of the girl lying on the bed appeared on a TV that is on the wall. She also hoped to lighten the mood by making a joke but it seems to only make Kentarou agitated.

"RG call Izuku, he needs to come here ASAP!!" Kentarou ordered as he unconsciously activated his quirk or more like one of the near countless quirks that he has now due to AFO making him grow seventeen pairs of translucent wings that are not connected to his body but connected to a symbol floating above his spinal cord along with cat ears and cat tail giving him a mythical feel, each two pair connected to a symbol are all unique in their own way while the only pair left looks more mechanical in a way but 100% biological, his original ears also became pointy making him resemble an elf or fairy.

"RG call Izuku, he needs to come here ASAP!!" Kentarou ordered as he unconsciously activated his quirk or more like one of the near countless quirks that he has now due to AFO making him grow seventeen pairs of translucent wings that are not conne...

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(Yes they are the wings from alfheim so you should know who this girl is)

The girl on the TV couldn't help but be astonished at the sight as tears started fall from her eyes as the faint memories of her mother suddenly resurfaced from her mind.

"What happened?!!" Izuku couldn't help but ask once he arrived. Kentarou smiled once Izuku arrived then directly chopped his right hand off of his body while the purple wings on his back disappeared.

The severed right arm started to regenerate a body but contrary to their expectation of a copy of Kentarou it lost mass and became more feminine as well as resembling the girl on the bed but healthy but her ears are pointy and on her back there appeared the purplewings that disappeared from Kentarou's back. Though unbeknownst to him those weren't the only ones that were copied as even the armor and sword quirk were copied even a partial transformation was available to her.

The girl in the TV couldn't help but be in awe at the sight but she was also sad since she is quite the beauty if she wasn't sick. Izuku immidiately closed his eyes but he was immidiately scolded.

"What are you doing Izuku?! immidiately make a consciousness transferring device!!" Kentarou roared as the body became ready while also forgetting to heal his right arm.

Izuku wasn't sure but he immidiately recalled all of the devices he had read about with the help of Nezu blackmailing the government, once he found devices that quite fit the order he immidiately reconstructed them into one then optimized it. Since his quirk is more related to nanobots his optimizations are much more precise than others.

"Here!!" Izuku shouted as beads sweat started to fall from his entire body due to how tired he was as he also felt his brain starting to ache but he also understood now what Kentarou was trying to do so he also made a cord then placed the device on top of the girl from Kentarou then hooked the device up to the gigantic machine.

"You ready?" Kentarou asked while Izuku nodded but the girl who is in the TV was confused until she pieced everything together.

"Eeeehhhhh???!!!" The girl shouted as her conciousness got sucked from one body to another.

Kentarou then regenerated his arm and immidiately supported the supposed inanimate girl or more like a corpse of a girl. They were all surprised when the body started to breathe then she slowly opened her eyes.


A/N: I admit Konno Yuuki (Zekken/Absolute Sword) is my favorite SAO character and in my opinion solved the entire Alfheim hate, also she is one of my anime girl first crush along with, Isla from Plastic Memories (but my crush on her was short lived due to her falling for MC, not that I hate the MC, just one of my principles not to have a romantic crush on somebody's girl), Kancolle Hibiki and Prisma Illya, mind you I was quite young back then.

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