Opposing Dragons

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The students began their training the next day with the guidance of their teachers as well as Izuku's notes which are beneficial not only to the students even to the teachers.

"So how should we train?" Kentarou couldn't help but ask Ayako who is reading Izuku's Quirk analysis notebooks which has information of even the most hidden villains or at least some of them along with their fighting styles, how he got them one may ask is due to a certain small white chimera.

"Hmmm... Can I experiment some moves on you?" Ayako asked although she can be considered not serious currently as her face is still buried in the notebooks she at least knew what she had just asked.

"Sure since I am essentially immortal you can test all the moves you want on me, Chimera: Dragon Humanize" Kentarou exclaimed as he changed into a human dragon chimera extremely reminiscent of Dragonewts from fantasy books of old.

"Too little I am still looking whether these moves are effective so become bigger" Ayako ordered which made Kentarou sigh.

"Chimera: Dire Dragon" Kentarou said as he changed into the now infamous wolf like dragon that easily defeated Endeavor.

"A Dragon!!!!!!" two excited shouts of teens echoed throughout the entire forest.

Kentarou looked around to see where he heard the screams from and even went ahead and changed his ears to be more like a big brown bat's and his eyes into an Eagle's.

"Let's fight you whelp!" The male teen shouted as his limbs turned into purplish black dragonian limbs as well as two horns resembling that of a Ram to appear on his head, his teeth also became fangs.

"Whelp?!! I am as old as you, you prick!!!" Kentarou shouted as he changed into a Dire Dragon's Humanized form while different elements escaped from his breath due to anger.

"Romeo you idiot!!!" The female teen shouted as she planned to help the male teen away from getting himself killed but she was stopped by a speeding Ayako accidentally hitting her.

Romeo who can be considered as a reckless youngling by dragons rushed towards Kentarou using his wings with his claws ready to rip anything to shreds but Kentarou easily dodged his attack without much thought.

"Youngling if you want to hit me create a diversion first like this" Kentarou instructed then fired balls of ice within a five-meter area from Romeo's position.

Romeo saw the fireballs heading his way and immediately fired his black purplish flames towards the balls of ice causing a large volume of mist to surround him causing his vision to shorten.

"Those puny ice balls won't even be able to touch me!!" Romeo proudly exclaimed but then he was instantly hammered to the ground by Kentarou.

Everyone would think that Kentarou would have stopped hitting Romeo after ten or so punches but he was so pissed about being called a whelp by a youngling to the point that his draconic pride surfaced causing him to teach the brat respect.

"Ken your gonna kill him" Ayako unsurprisingly came to the rescue.

"The girl can heal this rude brat" Kentarou said in a domineering manner while Ayako became confused, as to why Kentarou knew that the female teen can heal others is because he is the apex of dragons.

"I'm really sorry about him!! he has a weird tendency to fight anyone he sees and is extremely rude while doing so" the girl with twin tails apologized, Kentarou's heart couldn't help but quicken yet he managed to make it beat steadily again which he easily covered up by a sigh.

"Girl you should not be the one apologizing so raise your head" Kentarou's voice became less domineering and softer in a way.

"Ken they need a place to stay" Ayako said while looking worried.

"They ran away from home?" Kentarou asked.

"No, she said that she and Romeo were raised by dragons and passed on their power to them then after six years they woke up in this place" Ayako explained what the girl had said to her.

"I'll go and tell the news to Aizawa-sensei he is going to be pissed also use the Orca phone that Gang Orca gave you, he might know something and ask if he is willing to vouch for someone" Kentarou quickly ordered as he turned himself back into a human.

Ayako nodded and summoned a carriage made out of skeletons that is being pulled by skeleton horses next she gestured for the girl to come in along with the boy Romeo then did what Kentarou had told her to do.

"Mister is not getting on?" the girl asked.

"Him? he is way faster than anything I can summon" Ayako easily answered as to when they arrived at camp Tiger can be seen trying to hold down Aizawa while Pixie-Bob is on the ground unconscious, Mandalay and Ragdoll are tied up using Aizawa's capture gear.

"Come on dadzawa just two more kids wouldn't hurt" Kentarou playfully said, teasing Aizawa fully.

"Ken stop bullying Daddyzawa!! You will regret it later!!!" Ayako shouted.

"He can't do anything to me or else he won't be able to eat my cooking" Kentarou pridefully said which made everything quiet.

Everyone was quiet from what Kentarou had just said, many wanted to retort but were afraid that they wouldn't be able to eat the godly cooking anymore while some doesn't have any retorts to give him since they wholeheartedly agree. The girl who saw this scene couldn't help herself and giggle. Sadly due to how quiet it was everyone heard her thus causing her to be the center of attention.

"Ken's cooking is so good that I am willing to bet that you would fall for him immediately" Ayako playfully elbowed the girl which of course caught everyone's attention as the resident shy girl with the overprotective partner got along with someone in just a few minutes to two hours at most.

"Want to try some?" Ayako asked then a skeleton walked towards her that is holding a tumbler.

Ayako opened it which made the aroma of the soup it contains to fill the air like an aroma bomb,  everyone who smelled it couldn't help but salivate from the thought of even drinking a drop of it. Ayako gave an entire cup of it to the girl who drank it without any hesitation and what happened to her is incredibly embarrassing for her so it would be redacted, thankfully Kentarou was fast enough to shield her from everyone's sight no matter the quirk except for Ayako since she was beside her, and as for Romeo he got thrown out far like a ragdoll in turbo dismount.

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