Himiko Toga

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When the time finally started again Izuku immediately went off to see whoever needed his help while Ochako and Tsuyu gave them some space. The two continued to torture Himiko with how close they were to her making her uncomfortable due to the sudden affection she once again received.

"Rou... Yako... can't... breathe..." Himiko desperately said but her mouth was then stuffed with a bag filled with blood.

Himiko, who was forced to drink the blood, instantly tasted an exotic flavor that is exceptionally wild and intoxicating, which made her confused, wondering what kind of blood Ayako had stuffed in her mouth.

Himiko Toga's quirk upgraded to the point that she can now taste different flavors from the blood she drinks and those flavors are related to the owner of the blood's quirk which is incredibly helpful for undercover missions while also being incredibly useful in the future. This part of her quirk weren't that distinct in the past and it only worked on blood she had tasted before.

Kentarou and Ayako finally released Himiko from their embrace once she finished the blood bag as well as finally calming down.

"You two never change huh..." Himiko could only sigh in defeat after meeting her two old friends or probably her only friends besides some people from the league.

"Enough about us, why are you with the League of Villains? Not that we hate every villain as a whole but their leader already is near the bottom of the barrel for us" Ayako couldn't help but ask while also telling her stance since what she meant by bottom of the barrel is someone already beyond redemption.

"Well..." Himiko couldn't really explain since on one hand it can provide a topic for the three of them to catch up but on the other it would feel like she would be betraying her newly found friends. Kentarou noticed this which made him smile.

"Ayako we should just be happy for her and always remember not everyone labeled as a villain is bad, not that most villains still has a chance of redemption especially if they killed someone in cold blood or takes pleasure in other's suffering. One example of that is someone thinking he wants to save the world from a plague but has to sacrifice an innocent child to do so while also not asking the people he plans to save whether they wanted to be saved or not from their sickness, for me that person would be still salvageable but if that person repeatedly tortured that poor child then I might not be able to hold back and make that person's life miserable" Kentarou couldn't help but say while Himiko smiled knowing that his friends didn't change much yet at the same time somehow felt pity to their big boss and a certain mafia group that she was investigating.

"Point is we don't care if you are labeled as a villain by the whole world and would always be on your side so you can always come to us for help, okay?" Kentarou continued.

"Of course! Who would decline the help of two of the most powerful people in the world?" Himiko said.

"I know a guy who would, though it depends on who those powerful people are" Ayako said which made Himiko confused but remembered a certain broccoli boy with red veins enveloping his body along with lightning arching around him.

"Your first friend?" Himiko couldn't help but ask.

"Yep, now I think we should fake a battle here so Aizawa-sensei doesn't get suspicious while also giving you an excuse to your boss though I at least know that most of your colleagues will back you up" Kentarou smiled as if fully knowing everything that is happening in the league.

"No he doesn't know but we at least know more than heroes and normal people due to some connections our father has and well his connections from his jobs along with several of our teachers information network thanks to some major favors we gave them, even our principal gave us a taste of his cake" Ayako said since she could tell what Himiko was thinking about.

Himiko only gave the two a cheeky smile as she gave up on trying to uncover anymore than she already has since it wouldn't be fair, she then threw some of her knives on nearby trees while Kentarou either broke, melted, encased them in ice, or make them stuck on a earth construct. The three also purposely chipped some of the blades on the ground lying on the floor for the part where she fought against Ayako while Kentarou also splattered plenty of blood everywhere while also making Toga covered in it perfectly doing her villain persona justice.

"Now for the grand finale" Kentarou said as he flew up in his Dire Dragon humanized form and Ayako did the same but with her bone Dragon.

The two breathed flames everywhere while also purposely acting as if they were chasing after someone and making a huge mess out of the forest.

"Keep your scaly hands off of her!!!" Dabi shouted as he fired off a gigantic and powerful pillar of blue fire towards Kentarou and Ayako of course Kentarou decided to fight against him by firing off his own water breath causing steam to surround the entire forest though he also showed Dabi that he can easily fight against him by using flames or ice yet he chose water for their cover making Dabi incredibly confused.

Although their plan to capture Ragdoll got foiled due to a sneaky vine that Kentarou controlled to take Ragdoll off of their hands. Their operation can be considered a success as Katsuki Bakugou got captured.

Once everyone calmed down, everyone could now see the carnage and destruction that Kentarou and Ayako did in order to do what they did.

Although it would only be moderately hard for veterans such as the Pussy Cats to know that the marks and other extra paraphernalia that the three created are just a show so that no one would suspect them.

"Nezu, I know you can hear me so give me the accidents that have been associated with Himiko Toga" Kentarou said to no one while Nezu was already sweating bullets.

"I swear Nezu if you don't give me those files and a chance to clear her name I will become your worst nightmare" Kentarou said as he looked directly at the incredibly small camera that Nezu was using to observe them that is embedded in a tree.

"Kentarou-kun you should really get a data promo since I have already sent those files to your account, if you want I can even make sure that you will always have internet connection" Nezu answered while trying to appease Kentarou since although the boy is normally obedient if it came down to he could destroy the world, having either Kentarou and Ayako are like having a Hydrogen Bomb in your own lawn.

Both can be a deterent for others but could also spell your doom.

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