Class 1-B vs Monster Army

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A/N: I am using their hero names here so that it would be more realistic like when they're are undergoing an operation.

Here we are in a extremely large battlefield, Skel sitting on a throne made out of bones in the top floor of the highest tower as countless monitors surrounded the room while Kimera and Vlad King by her side with crossed arms in front of their chests.

"So... anyone got any ideas?" Neoma asked the class who only looked down.

"What's there to even worry about? That Kimera already gave most of us a boost in strength there is no way we can't take them on!" Phantom Thief said.

"That's the thing you idiot, most of us were empowered by him plus he has a dominating effect to those classmates although I don't think he will use it, it is better to be safe and at the same time we can't cause too much damage to the city" Battle Fist calmly started to analyze everything.

"Guys, spotted Kimera on his way" Rocketti said in broken Japanese as she started to prepare to straight out to run out of there, in her opinion it is better to confront Vlad King than either Skel or Kimera.

"Skel's army are also pattrolling" Avatar said with closed eyes as he is currently piloting a drone.

"Oh fudge!" Avatar due to being close to Neos and Kimera couldn't swear for the life of him cause if he did then a very very harsh punishment would be placed on him and he ain't sure if his heart could take it.

"We got this!" Rocketti said since her quirk evolved and can now control 6 horns at a time as well as turn into a raging humanoid cow and horse hybrid that strangely works, Avatar swears to everyone that he knows who is responsible for this change.

"Crap, Run!!" Neoma heard the vast amount of footsteps, the clanking of bones and armors, as well as the snarls of beasts.

"Don't worry I can take them on..." Phantom Thief said until he saw the number of enemies which many have unknown quirks or has the personality of beasts and their hunting strategies.

"Chimera: Raging Beasts!" Kimera shouted which everyone heard so they did what's the most logical thing to do which is to split up and run, sadly they didn't have a Creati to keep in contact yet thankfully they have Rocketti and Avatar so they split up into seven groups.

"I think we're safe here" Emily murmured in relief but that was short lived as they see a shadow loom over them.

"Well hello there heroes" Vlad King said with a smirk while the students started to run.

Vlad King totally expecting his students doing that immediately punched the ground which created a spider web like pattern of cracks which extended to a five meter radius which of course confused the students until blood shot towards their limbs and became chains.

[Real Steel, Comic Man, Lizardy, Emily, Long Weizi have fallen] a robotic voice announced all throughout the city using the hidden speakers littered everywhere making the heroes deal with another source of pressure and fear.

"Nezu, is a demon" Skel shivered in fright when she heard the announcement all over the city which made Nezu who was enjoying the show of the panicking class 1-B spit out his tea and retaliate.

"At least I still have humanity whenever I'm sadistic yet your a bigger Demon than me disguised in an angel costume!!" Nezu flipped out sadly he can't do anything against Skel or else he might be forced to do something he doesn't want to do or be subjected to the infamous Coffin dance meme.

Kimera who heard Nezu's squeaking got distracted due to finding it funny which made Plamo and Mudman to trap him. Kimera could have bit his own shoulder off then instantly regrow another one but he decided that it would be too unfair to do that.

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