Summer Camp

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Kentarou and Ayako are currently passed out inside the bus, as to why they are passed out it could be blamed to Aizawa since he accidentally mixed alcohol to the water jug while he was drunk due to Hizashi. Once Aizawa realized his mistake he immediately tried to correct it, sadly he was too late as Kentarou and Ayako are already passed out near the water dispenser along with their luggage.

How nobody noticed this is a mystery for all or a certain chimera is to blame, there is also the possibility of it becoming Aizawa's and Yamada's karma acting up.

"I am so not going to live after this..." Aizawa already resigned himself to death.

'Hold on, I can just blame it to Hizashi then I will be a free man!!!' Aizawa thought as he grinned his signature devil grin that sends fear to the very souls of students, some unlucky students who went to the cafeteria saw it and made a mad dash back to their classrooms to the point that you'd mistake their quirks for speed ones.

"Problem Child, Class Rep, Vice Rep" Aizawa only had to say those words and the three appeared which is mostly thanks to Kyoka.

"Carry these two to the bus, Hizashi accidentally spiked the water jug with alcohol yesterday when he got drunk" Aizawa easily lied, too bad Detective wasn't there to tell the three students that their teacher was lying to their faces.

"Yes Sir!" The three answered as Izuku carried Kentarou, Momo carried Ayako, while Tenya carried the luggage. They still want to live their lives after all.

"What happened to those two?" Aya asked worried about her friends while the rest of 1-B also looked worried.

"Present Mic plus alcohol is never a great combination" Momo said slightly exasperated.

"That is right, Yamada-sensei should at the very least not drink at school grounds so incidents like these never happen" Tenya said while doing his classic robot karate chops.

"So... they're weak to alcohol?" Darel couldn't believe it as well as Class 1-B.

"Apperantly so, although I am wondering how Ken didn't notice the distinct alcoholic smell, maybe he didn't recognize it? Should be impossible, right? He should have at the very least smelled it from his dad at least once" Izuku started to think of possibilities as his muttering session started.

"If we had Yaoyorozu in our class we could have easily won!!" Many of Class 1-B cried out once they realized.

"Aree~ Monoma look" Setsuna said while looking at the three students who looks lifeless.

"Wha? Some of Class A students needs supplementary lessons? Here I was expecting more out of the Amajiki twins' class, aren't you guys supposed to be better than class B? HUUUUUUH?!" Monoma couldn't help but mock but there was a hint of disapproval and disappointment in there since he truly believed that no one in 1-A would fail, it took him by surprise.

"We also barely won, you know" Kendo said then knocked Monoma down.

"I'm sorry about him" Kendo apologized to Class A.

Hold up!! Why is Mineta so quiet? He was forced to drink the alcohol infested water jug, the entire thing so he passed out, Aizawa would rather make the midget faint using alcohol than violence, saves more time later.

"Did I just awaken a premonition quirk? I feel that Ken and Ayako would do something outrageous once again in the camp" Aya asked as she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"You too?" Darel asked since he also got the feeling.

"Are you guys serious? You got them too?" All of the ones with animal or plant related quirks or at least has a mutation of asked.

The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum