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The Amajiki and Aizawa family are currently updating their family records due to the new additions which made even Nezu throw out the towel in surrender by just how much Kentarou seems to pull out people from either his body or out of thin air. What's more is that those people are exactly what their situation needs or what they would need since Nezu now has ordered for the construction and founding of UA kindergarten, middle school, and junior high school.

This wasn't only built with the education of the younger generation but for the protection of the younger siblings of the students currently enrolled in UA High, it is the least they could do outside of the dorms and the excellent and well used facilities.

Shota Aizawa is currently incredibly busy to even be angry at Kentarou for giving his little angelic Imp the responsibility of being a parent nor did he have the willpower to stay angry at the two when he saw their in all technicality biological children cause those smiles from Akazuki and Alice were just blinding despite their own past which they are steadily forgetting in parts thanks to their current parents.

"Now that UA will be expanding its age range of acceptance, I just need you to know that more than 2 years of age difference when it comes to dating is an immediate out" Kentarou said as the principal gave him the responsibility of overlooking it since it was mostly due to him that this needed to be done.

"Also, don't bother me for an hour or two since I really need to check on what happened to my quirk as well as my templates of what forms are workable, great combinations, extremely bad combos but powerful or stuff like that especially since I think my quirk went to the final stage" Kentarou said while everyone looked at him with confusion.

"Hold on a minute Ken, isn't the final stage technically when a quirk evolves? Hadn't yours already evolved?!" Mina was quite understandably doubting her sense of hearing since she thinks she just heard something absurd.

"Yes, and I think my quirk ovolved due to the whole Overhaul fiasco and dimension transfer" Kentarou said with a smile that quite didn't reach his eyes since whenever he remembers them his stress levels always sky rockets.

"Quirk evolution is acquired by unimaginable amounts of stress, quirk exhaustion, and being in the border of death, right? Cause I don't remember you ever falling into these!" Himiko shouted in outrage since she even remembered Kentarou merrily making a deal with Tomura.

"No, Kentarou here was unimaginably stressed to the point that the half of him that stayed at the surface collapsed in a berserk state, and trust me, it wasn't fun putting him fown" Izuku replied with a grimace as he was the one that launched Midnight onto Kentarou's supposed nose in order for Midnight to almost immediately make him fall asleep.

The rest of the class' eyes twitched in annoyance and promptly sighed in defeat, then continued their day while Kentarou closed his eyes to see that something was wrong in his mindscape. Of course it wasn't that easy since Akazuki, Eri, and Alice all sat down on his lap and cuddled onto him and closed their eyes while he hugged them protectively subconsciously, it even made Mineta who saw the sight think about his life choices and even put away all his perverted stuff into a boxes so the little girls wouldn't be traumatized by them, the girls cooed at the sight and immediately started snapping photos. There was also the rumor of Midnight sulking when she saw the new group photo of the teacher's group chat since she didn't get to see such a cute and precious sight in person also let's just say that it was Eraserhead who did such a thing but nobody except Ms Joke would believe such a thing. The unanimous answer the faculty had was that a student got a hand on Eraserhead's phone and replaced the group chat photo.

First of all, the timers were now completely gone, and the creatures in there are mingling with the other organisms.

Second it became a mix of three worlds or so he would like to think since frankly it wouldn't even be a surprise if he finds natural born chimeras here now, thankfully all are male so that is the only silver lining so far.

Third and most worrying is that he can feel two other quirks becoming active in his system, and one of these, he is certain, didn't come from All For One cause if it did, then Overhaul is not that unique or All For One wouldn't look like a corpse in a sense that he didn't have any upper head features.

"Izuku!" Kentarou shouted, which startled the poor guy  since he was just messing with his gauntlet in order to see what kind of improvements he could add into them.

"Don't worry, I only want to get a drop of blood from you in order to annalyze your DNA since I really need to check something" Kentarou said while Izuku didn't mind and casually gave Kentarou what he needs by pricking his finger.

Kentarou then drank it and, to his complete horror, a copy of the stockpile quirk and the quirks of the previous holders' as well. Kentarou wasn't the only one who felt something odd, so Izuku went inside the vestige world only to see stars forming in the sky, which oddly felt familiar.

What's more is that there is now something like a bridge made up of light taunting him and the vestiges to cross it where he could see the silhouette of Kentarou panicking for the first time in a while and probably the first time ever if problems that has something to do with Ayako is forgotten.

"Izuku?!" Kentarou shouted in surprise as he saw Izuku in his mindscape or more like the inside of his quirk.

"Kentarou?" Izuku asked for confirmation.

"Holy mother fucking fuck!! Izuku you and I are practically cousins since we share the same ancestors!!" Kentarou was outright thinking of the coincidences that shouldn't have happened but did happen.

"We share the same lineage from the Shigarakis." Kentarou just dropped a bomb, which made the 1st and 8th holders of OFA cough up blood, the second to the 6th laughed so hard that they were weezing due to the complete irony while poor Nana/7th just gasped in complete shock, there was even a debate later that she outright fainted but remained standing.

"Or so I would think since these gene sequences and our locked genes are pretty alike, and yes, I am only looking at my human genome" Kentarou continued as he is staring at something in his hands.

"What's more thanks to AFO trying to take my quirk as well as forcing quirks to my body and your quirk being stolen by him then returned it fully awakened your dormant genes of the capacity to hold more than one quirk!" Kentarou continued as the DNA sequence of his and Izuku floated right in front of Izuku's vestige world.

"What's more is I think we can now copy quirks and let someone else borrow our quirks" Kentarou continued once again.

"My way of copying seems to be by ingesting a part of someone's DNA, preferably where the quirk factor mostly accumulates, for example Overhaul, Ochaco, Monoma, Tomura, and Thirteen with their hands" Kentarou said as he violently yanked at his hair due to how AFO fucked up so much that he unleashed two beings that can in essence destroy the world no matter what happens. He was already overpowered enough by just being able to simulate and fuse every living organism in existence, but now he is 100% sure that he and Izuku can now rule the world if they so wanted.

"As for your own unique way, I don't know what it is, but when you find it, try to never ever use it purposely cause that will make you reach quirk singularity in a dangerous manner even if our bodies are capable of handling it. Remember we are not AFO we just have the bodies to be able to hold and adapt to multiple quirks, adaptation not outright assimilation meaning there needs to be a time difference for our body to get used to a new quirk" Kentarou finished, apparent by how he left his own quirk making Izuku gulp then look at the vestiges behind him.

"We are so doomed" Izuku couldn't help but mutter since he himself knew by now that he is an absolute trouble magnet!!

What Kentarou and Izuku didn't notice is that two pink, one very faint bluish yellow, and one weak green balls of light fused themselves into the solar system of Izuku's quirk as well as One For All. Along with the fact that there are 5 more bridges in Kentarou's side besides Izuku's, there is also the concerning fact that his elemental golems started to become more human until they turned into a perfect copy of Kentarou except for their color palette.

However, if someone were to view their shared quirk space, then they would be able to see a dual sun solar system with very funked up orbits of the planets (satellite quirks) cause Izuku's quirks are separated from Kentarou's but can be accessed if he gave permission as well as the other holders while Kentatou can do the same thing but he is too lazy to even care thus he just outright allows it all the time which would inevitably lead to trouble later down the line.


The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ