Powerhouse Battle

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Currently Kentarou and Izuku can be seen in a tense situation as the two of them argued about All For One's power and whether the man planned anything as a precaution or something.

"I keep telling you, it is impossible for that bastard to do such a thing!!" Kentarou shouted as he slammed his fist on the table.

"You saw how we needed to join hands and the escape plan he prepared for the League!! That should be enough to tell you that he is dangerous!!!" Izuku argued as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"I had to risk my sanity due to you acting on your own!!" Kentarou retorted which made Izuku sit back down as he himself knew it was the truth.

"Then what about the plan attack on I-Island which he is partly to blame for" Izuku asked calmly making Kentarou sigh as he himself wasn't sure whether he would have won that battle.

"Yeah... I admit that one was brutal, although I would survive I wasn't sure I could protect Ayako at that time" Kentarou admitted as his expression turned calm yet there is still a fierce glint that can be seen in his eyes as he was still pissed off about his powerlessness at that time.

"Ken..." Izuku felt bad making his friend remember that incident as it was one of the very few instances that Ayako got hurt to the point that some of her bones were broken under his watch.

"I'm just going to vent out some frustration, want to come along?" Kentarou asked Izuku who excitedly nodded and soon followed but that was a horrible decision as he is now in the Amajiki underground sparring room.

'I just had to befriend the most dangerous student in school, didn't I...' was all he could think as Kentarou finished his stretches.

"Can we talk this out?" Izuku asked hoping for him to agree but in the end the reply he received was only a mischievous smile.

"Chimera Draconic Saber Wolf: Humanize" Kentarou said as Kentarou changed to a form that resembled that of a human with sharp claws, a tail which fur is fluffy yet at the same time hard, his skin became scales, eyes which are almost like a cat's, ears that is slightly smaller than his usual wolf transformations, his k9s are big and sharper than usual.

Izuku felt confused at first then he pieced together the name  and gulped down his saliva due to fear and anticipation of facing a foe like Kentarou who is strong and is constantly evolving.

Kentarou showed his sharp fangs then directly charged towards Izuku, Izuku planted his feet firmly into the sand while turning his feet into mechanical one's then dug until it hooked into sandstone or stone and he crossed his arms in front of his face while making shield constructs which are plasma shields, yet even with all of that he was still unrooted and directly flung a good five meters but what was alarming is that due to the scales his charge was like a high-speed tank making his constructs useless and got destroyed in the process.

"Use all your quirks!! Your being like Todoroki during the sports festival!!!" Kentarou shouted while Todoroki nodded in agreement since he was really stupid back then and was really childish.

Izuku was dumbfounded by this comment but at the same time he agreed since he really was being stupid, his original quirk is now the one that is treated as the main control so he assumed that One For All will always be activated when he activates it...

"Hold on a sec!! Your also the same!! You aren't using any of the Elemental manipulation/generation, and the quirks that All For One forced onto you!!!" Izuku complained which made everyone dumbfounded and then glared at All Might.

"Do you want me to lose my mind then accidentally kill you?!" Kentarou asked while wondering whether Izuku has a death wish or something.

"Izuku, Power Corrupts" Aya reminded.

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