Anybody Can Be A Hero

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The two kids got ready to head out towards their school. Kentarou got ready to defend Ayako at all cost completely playing his big brother and Knight in shining armour part.

When the two walked in they saw the three kids who bullied Ayako at the hospital, when the three noticed Kentarou's presence they immediately started running inside the classrooms. Kentarou and Ayako was surprised about this although they didn't mind, except Ayako she minded it a little, they already knew that this would happen.

Kentarou walked inside the classroom he was assigned to and his friends immediately looked towards his direction.

"Listen up everyone Kentarou just got his quirk last Saturday so he will tell us what it is and I have an announcement" Their teacher said while having a kind smile but Kentarou is willing to bet his entire allowance for the entire year that it was only for appearances and it will ultimately change once they see his quirk in action, which made him smirk, confidence oozing out of him.

"Good morning everyone as you know my quirk just awakened and my quirk is called Chimera, I can turn any part of my entire body into an animal once I have touched them so this doesn't apply for the now extinct ones, I can keep being in this state for two minutes then I'll need ten minutes in order for me to use it again" Kentarou lied and left out some parts purposely since he doesn't want to show his true strength right off the batt, truth be told he already increased his time from 5 minutes to 20 minutes now and he only needs to wait 4 minutes so that he can use it again.

"Wow! that's an amazing quirk to have, I mean you can touch multiple animals then you can either defend or attack" a green haired green eyed boy said which made Kentarou surprised since he knew that everyone will outcast him once they heard his quirk. He even saw some kids flinch from fear.

"Thanks" Kentarou thanked the boy who he doesn't know his name.

'Who the hell is that guy? I mean I pretty much know everyone here, a transfer student maybe? I mean I haven't went to school for a couple of days now due to training my quirk and for our parents being worry warts about us' Kentarou thought

"Okay Kentarou you can take a seat now" the teacher said so he went to his chair and took his seat.

"Now we are going to have another addition to this class" The teacher announced then she motioned for someone to get in.

The students were excited to know who it was? What is his or her gender? What are his or her likes and don'ts? And lastly what is his or her quirk?

They looked at the door and they immediately saw a girl with white hair and red eyes slowly walking up to the front slightly shaking due to nervousness. The boys immediately went into an uproar except for three specific individuals; Kentarou, a boy with green hair and a pomeranian like kid, this however made Ayako flich in surprise.

Kentarou stood up and looked at the boys with eyes that could kill, this however made most of the girls there fall for him and go 'Kya!' in delight. Ayako was slightly irritated at this.

"Now go ahead and introduce yourself" The teacher smiled.

" name is Amajiki Ayako my quirk is called Skeleton, I can summon different kinds of animal skeletons so far I can only summon ten" Ayako lied, this was what was written on their certificates which Doctor Hamano helped them forge since even he didn't know the two's capabilities and the extent on which the two can make their quirk improve. Ayako didn't like to lie but Kentarou and her now parents convinced her of doing it so that she won't be feared from much.

The entire class was silent due to hearing about her quirk but the boys, except for the three mentioned earlier, immediately perked up.

'If that is true then I can use my quirk to protect her from bullies!' Almost all of the boys thought.

Kentarou smiled and gave her a thumbs up but he was staring down the boys with love filled eyes.

"Okay now go seat next to your brother over there" The teacher said which Ayako followed.

"Teacher I have a question for her" The green haired kid said which made Kentarou focus on him.

"Go ahead Izuku Midoriya" The teacher said still not breaking away from her smile.

"Ummm... What is your quirk's drawback?" Izuku asked, this made Kentarou slightly riled up but he knew that Izuku didn't mean any harm from his question so he let him. Ayako couldn't answer due to her already going over her limit on talking to others.

"I'm sorry Midoriya, I think she already went past her limit on talking to anyone she is rather shy but I'll tell you in her place, is that okay?" Kentarou asked for a compromise which Izuku agreed on.

"Her quirk's weakness is her mental capacity, the more skeletons she summons the more strain her head takes" Kentarou half lied just like in his introduction then he noticed Midoriya writing it on his notebook which is labeled as 'Quirk Analysis Notebook #1'

"By the way what are you writing?" Kentarou asked Midoriya while trying to sneak a peek.

"Oh... This is... Ummm... My quirk analysis notebook... I envy other kids that have a quirks since I'm quirkless and all" Midoriya said sheepishly while scratching his head.

"That's right you useless Deku!! You should give up on being a hero!!" The pomeranian said while mini explosions started going off in his hands.

"Kacchan, I'm going to be a hero, quirkless or not" Midoriya argued but this made the pomeranian now known as Kacchan angry, well angrier than usual and blasted aimed a blast towards Midoriya so Midoriya crossed his arms to at least try and block the explosions.

Midoriya closed his eyes waiting for the explosions but they never came instead he saw a black haired kid take the hit for him.

"Wow this pomeranian got some bite" Kentarou said while being slightly surprised.

"What are you doing protecting that useless nerd Deku?!!" Kacchan said.

"Well Kacchan it's because I disagree with your words" Kentarou said which made the pomeranian angrier since first he used Deku's nickname for him, second he blocked his explosions from hitting the useless Deku and third he talked back at him.

"Huh?!! What do you mean you disagree?!! Huh!!!" The angry pomeranian asked in a angry tone while continuously trying to pummel Kentarou with explosions which never affected him.

"Well you see, even a quirkless person can become a hero to someone just take a look at people at support agencies they help heroes by protecting them with the gear that they make so you can say that they are the heroes heroes and you can also say the same to the strategists at an agency who are trying to keep the heroes safe from danger by planning out their best course of action" Kentarou explained while the pomeranian continued his barrage.

"So in short anyone can become someone's hero" Kentarou said as the pomeranian overused his quirk and started to hurt his arms so the teacher intervined and took the hurt pomeranian at the infirmary.

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