CH 66: Light Up that Bulb

Start from the beginning

"Did you get that?"

"I did!" The reporter squealed. He scrolled through the photos on his digital camera. The scene had been glorious. If possible, he'd create an entire narrative out of it. "Don't worry about anything, Avery. I'll publish the most satisfying article you could possibly think of."

"Good." Avery smiled. Her hearing heightened as she checked for the crowd's feedback. Surprises and compliments filled her ears. With Evangeline's show-stopping entrance, the people still had the memory fresh in their minds. They viewed her positively from the beginning.

She could only wish that it would stay that way.

Even if negative opinions rise up, she hoped they'd remember this first impression.

Several meters behind them, Charlee stumbled over nothing. Her knees gave out for a moment but she stayed upright. Her mind looked back on the previous conversation. Instead of telling her straight out, that biatch had the audacity to humiliate her right in front of Ambryan and his companions.

Evangeline had tricked her, made a fool out of her and slapped her in the face... with an audience.

Charlee stomped her foot and held up her skirt. She spun around, colliding with another guest. A growl rumbled in her chest. Today just kept getting worse. She glared up at the culprit, cursing him silently.

"Woah!" Jordan said, raising his hands and blinking his chocolate eyes. The dirty look startled. The path had been wide before Ms. Panties-In-A-Twist decided to twirl like a ballerina. "Are you alright? Who got on your bad side?"

"Ugh!" Charlee sneered, stomping away. She forced her way into the crowd and searched for her friends. The sooner she left the scene, the better.

"Wow..." Jordan shook his head and walked back to the mini bar. "Well, I'm glad she left. Now, I don't need to worry about manners."

He made his way to the corner without a hitch. No one else suddenly materialized out of thin air. The people moved whenever he asked them to let him pass by. He grabbed a drink from a passing waiter.

His mood had been replenished.

"Mikael—Woah... is that another crazy?" Jordan stopped short. Now that he had a better look, he realized the woman with his model wasn't Evangeline. His lips stretched to a hard frown, thinning out his lips like a smile did.

"Miss, thank you for your interest and compliments on my work," Mikael said. Even from a distance, Jordan recognized the tight smile. His best friend's patience was dwindling.

"Do you have an upcoming project? I'd love to watch and learn from you." Nicole gushed. Twinkling stars shined in her eyes. She had blacked out the moment they met. Her mouth spoke whatever that came to mind.

She reached out for his bicep, squeezing. A soft gasp escaped her lips from the firmness. He was actually real—and not the figment of her imagination that she practiced talking to.

"Unfortunately, that is confidential information," Mikael declined through gritted teeth. He pushed off her hand, yanking it off his arm. Then, his blue eyes landed on Jordan. "You'd have to talk to my manager for further details."

Jordan hiccuped.

He lost the chance to escape. Although handling fans became a part of his job, he didn't always find it pleasant. There would always be a bad nut or two. This one belonged in that category.

Now, what kind of story could he fabricate for this one?

"Hello, miss. Jordan Dawson, Mikael's manager," he introduced himself, wedging between Nicole and Mikael. He took the woman's hand and shook it. "We might actually hold a social media event soon. If you win, you will get an all expenses date with Mikael."

"Wait, what—"

"Really?!" Nicole exclaimed. An event in social media? She hung out there a lot. She'd surely win!

Jordan pressed a finger to his lips. He pulled her close. "It's still in the works. Top management is looking over the details and they can take a while. We don't want to get everyone's hopes up but you look like someone we could trust."

He cupped his hand over her ear. His voice lowered into a whisper, "So please keep this a secret. We'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone yet."

"Oh, I will, Mr. Dawson." Nicole nodded. Then, she shook her head vigorously, realizing what she just said. "I mean, I won't. I won't, Mr. Dawson. You have my word."

"Good." Jordan nodded. He gestured for her to leave. "Now, run along. If you hang out here too long, they might suspect something."

"Oh, okay!" Nicole squealed. She had to cover her mouth in order to contain the excitement. She waved her hands in farewell. "Bye, Mr. Dawson. Bye, Mikael."

Neither of them returned it.

Jordan fixed his cufflinks while clearing his throat. "Who is the greatest friend in the world?"

"Mikael rolled his eyes. He leaned his back against the counter and sipped on his champagne. "Since you are the one who left me alone, it was only right that you took responsibility."

"What?! I left you with Evangeline." His manager scowled, looking at the vacant stool. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"She went to find her boyfriend."

"Right, the daaatttee," Jordan drawled. His good mood came back up again. He put down his glass and rubbed his hands together. "Have you seen him? He had to be a handsome dude."

Mikael frowned. He focused on his drink, contemplating if he should get another one. "Unlike you, I actually don't gossip over other people's affairs."

"Hold up, hold up, hold up... Ambryan Hathaway?" Jordan rubbed his eyes in astonishment. "No. Way. Her boyfriend is that CEO? Didn't you meet him the other day?"

Mikael snapped his head. He followed his manager's line of sight. True to Jordan's claim, Evangeline stood before Luna with Ambryan Hathaway by her side. The three of them conversed. They positioned apart from the crowd, acting close.

Luna didn't seem to want them to leave. She turned to the CEO and Evangeline stepped back. The latter stayed behind Ambryan, seeming to be his shadow.

"Now, that's something. I like how professional they act." Jordan swiped his champagne glass and drowned it in one gulp. "They're not overly affectionate like other couples."

Something nagged at the back of Mikael's head. He wasn't able to hear his best friend's words. The scene looked familiar to him. He had seen these three together before. The mannerisms, the posture, the expressions...

Then, a light bulb flashed on the top of his head.

"Wait. Is that—"

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