"Ah, Cael son of Quilla! I have not seen you since you were what? Nineteen years of age," Alazar spoke as he rose from his seat and went over to greet him.

He had grown since six year ago. Even though he was not in the army he still remained with an acceptable amount of muscle and strength. His ebony hair that grew rather quickly always cut rather short. The serious look to his face did not disappear either. Composed as always.

Cael bowed as Alazar patted him on the back heavily. "It is an honor to be in both princes's presence. It has been a while," he agreed with Alazar as his eyes slid over to me.

I wonder if he still had the same sense of idiocy and impulsiveness which roped him into trouble before.

"Why do you think I should have you guard her?"

He bowed his head low. "I am wholly capable, Prince Loche. You have all of my respect and it would honor me to give my life to ensure the safety of our next queen. We have not had one in over sixty years."

He is capable of protecting yes, but will his emotions interfere as they always do. He is good at what he does. A strong male and smart. He did not talk unnecessarily too much. I trusted him to not let any harm take place to the Princess. If he does, I will just have to kill him.

"If the princess even so much as falls while under your protection I will have your hide. Do you understand?"

To emphasize his loyalties, he dropped to one knee and bowed his head, placing a hand over his heart. Well yes gestures are important but actions are what I look at. I had nothing else to say to him and instead focused my attentions on General Iona.

"And the other soldier?"

Iona was glaring at Cael and he must have felt he intense glare, is head bowing lower. "My apologies. He is late."

Why was Cael answering my question and not Iona. Her stance was solid as she crossed her arms over her breastplate. "Iona who is the other you have in mind?"

Just as Iona was ready to reprimand Cael for his suggestions lateness, someone at the door began to knock. Pound actually.

"There he is," Cael rose to his feet and looked over the man who stumbled into the meeting room. His head was kept low as Iona sighed through clenched teeth. Alazar applauded and I stared.

His hair was crimson fire.

He was apart of the cursed village. He was drenched in perspiration, he was heaving hard. His chest falling and rising sporadically. Freckles splattered all over his face. He wore armor that was not well made at all. Cheap and easily damageable. This. This is what Cael offered me?

"Cael you offer us a sun stealer?" Alazar questioned as Cael fell to one knee once more.

The man did not flinch or hang his head because of his appearance, which was admirable. "Yes. I have been helping a lord who lives near by the sun stealer village and I see him train himself in the fields, I took it upon myself to teach him."

Does he take me as a fool? "And you two sword play in the fields and you expect him to stop assassins, protect foreign royalty and have his techniques together with no formal training?"

It was pointless bringing Cael here. Obviously what happened so long ago has damaged his mind if he thinks this home trained 'soldier' is to guard Estelle and her sister. I rather have the fae guard.

"Your highness if I may request...do you think you can have a second opinion on the matter if he were to spar someone?" Cael recommended as the fire haired male did not move an inch.

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