Opening 6!!!!!!

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The Thousand Sunny sails across the waters as we get to see all of you guys together (Newcomers: Franky and Kalifa!) 

You all smile as you face the front of the ship! 

Title Card ..... 

Luffy walks across a sandy beach and he smiles a cheery smile preparing for what is ahead! 

We then see you, Twilight, Sunset, Zoro, Rainbow, Rarity, Nojiko, Nami, Usopp, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sanji, Applejack, Alvida, Vivi, Carue, Chopper, Trixie, Robin, Celestia, Luna, Conis, Spike, Laki, Starlight, Franky, and Kalifa walks alongside the captain! 

The lovable idiot runs off as you all follow him! We then see images of close friends and enemies, including People from your villages, Coby and Helmeppo, The Usopp Pirates, Kaya, Zeff, the chefs of the Baratie, Genzo, Sweetie Belle, Crocus, Laboon, Dorry and Brogy, Dr. Kureha, Dalton, Cobra, Igaram, Chaka, Pell, Bon Clay, Wyper and the Shandorians, Pagaya, Gan Fall, Cricket, Masira, Shoujou, Foxy and his crew,  Kokoro, Chimney, Gonbe, Yokozuna, Zambai and the Franky Family, Iceburg, Paulie, and the rest of the Galley-La Foremen! 

We then get images of Captain Morgan, Buggy, Kuro, Don Krieg, Arlong, Wapol, Crocodile, Eneru, and Spandam and Lucci with the most sinister faces! 

You guys are fighting off a bunch of zombies on Thriller Bark, with Hogback screaming at them to fight back! 

Perona hits a bunch of you with her negative ghosts, but Usopp acts positive, and Perona begins freaking out! 

Absalom tries to grab Nami while invisible, but Sanji kicks him! 

Oars rises out from the rubble of the castle, while Moria hangs around his stomach, you guys prepare to fight, with Brook, as well as Lola and her crew are seen in the back cheering you on! 

We then see images of the Marines, including Sengoku, Smoker, Tashigi, Hina, Garp, Aokiji, and many other Vice Admirals appear! 

We spot various other Warlords, including a smiling Doflamingo, Kuma, who is silent, and ready to plot his next move, Mihawk, who is riding on his coffin boat as well! 

We see Shanks and his crew look from a rock and beyond, while we cut back to the entire Crew on the Sunny, setting sail, with the spirit of the Going Merry living on inside of you all!! 

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