Reunion with Jinbe!/Brook's New Spooky Power!

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Somewhere in the Sea Forest .....

Trixie: HEY! I found a poneglyph!!

Trixie had managed to locate a poneglyph while searching with Robin, Starlight, Celestia, and Luna.

Luna: Well done Trixie!

Starlight: Way to go Trixie!

Celestia: This language. Robin, do you think you can read it?

The crew's archeologist approaches it. And she sits down while reading it.

Robin: It's not so much as a journal for history. It mentions someone named Joy Boy?

Celestia: Is he a Fishman?

Robin: I'm not sure myself. While it was a nice discovery. We should find (Y/N), Luffy, and the others.

Starlight: I agree. Who knows what could be happening.

Trixie: Given the fact Luffy is our captain, Trixie has the worst thoughts in mind.

Luna: I agree. Let's go.

Back with you guys ....

You, Twilight, Fluttershy, Chopper, Applejack, Sanji, Sunset, Vivi, Carue, Hancock, and Shirahoshi finally make it to the Sea Forest, with Megalo carrying you all, as well as a wounded Hachi, who Chopper and Fluttershy are tending too.

Fluttershy: Hachi. I wish you didn't have to get wrapped up in this mess.

You then see the Sunny!


From the Sunny, Sonata looks up from the Sunny's Lookout!

Sonata: HEY YOU GUYS!! I SEE LUFFY, (Y/N), and many of the others! THEY'RE OKAY!!

Spike: Whew! I was starting to worry there!

Ember: Well, I wouldn't underestimate the sons of Roger and Dragon.

Conis: Oh thank goodness.


Luffy: The Sunny is looking great!

Franky: You bet it is! Good thing we had some help!

Franky: You bet it is! Good thing we had some help!

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Den, Tom's younger brother!

Den: Well well, so these kids are your friends eh Franky?

Twilight: Who is he?

Franky: He's Tom's younger brother.

Den: The name's Den! I see that you've got a fine ship here!

(Y/N): Not just any ship pal. This is the ship of the future King!

Shirahoshi: Oh my! How lovely!

Den: Princess?! What are you doing out of the castle?

(Y/N): Long story. You see .....

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