Opening 11!!!!!!!!!!!

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We see the Sunny approaching Dressrosa, ready for another adventure to begin! You and Luffy stand at the front of the ship, with your entire crew, along with the newcomers, Suri, Coco, the Shadowbolts, and Monet, as well as new allies, Law, Kin'emon, and Momonosuke too! 

Title Card ..... 

We see the Sunny moving by as everyone on the crew is just minding themselves, and with Luffy soon taking off after he takes a big bite of meat! 

We get images of you running with him as we see the combatants of the Colosseum, including Cavendish, Bartolomeo, Ideao, Don Chinjao, Sai, Harudjin, and Orlumbus also cheering with you! 

Leo stands with all of his fellow Tontattas by his side, as they rush for the Donquixote Family! 

We see Rebecca who struggles to fight in the fights, and is watched by Thunder Soldier, who has a tear in his eye. 

Sabo watches you, Sunset, Luffy, and Twilight fight in the tournament, as he is joined by his comrades, Tempest Shadow, Koala, and Hack. 

Cadence hugs Flurry who joins in fighting Doflamingo's men, and a toy who resembles a knight watches them from afar. 

Doflamingo laughs dangling what appears to be Law with his strings, like some sort of Marionette, he is then joined by his executives, Trebol, Pica, Diamante, Violet, Sugar, Giolla, Senor Pink, Lao G, Machvise, Dellinger, Gladius, Buffalo, and Baby 5 as they take on the Straw Hats! 

Admiral Fujitora of the Marines marches in as he is contacted by Aokiji to keep watch and take action whenever possible. 

All the Straw Hats stand together with the Colosseum Combatants fighting the Executives, ranging from Rainbow clashing with Dellinger, who shows off his Fishman like jaws, to Trixie and Starlight dodging Gladius' explosions caused by his Devil Fruit! 

You clash with Diamante, who causes his sword to try and stab you, as it waves onto the walls, while Zoro protects all of his comrades from Pica, who morphs into a giant stone giant, trying to squash those in his way! 

Finally Luffy attack Doffy, and he transforms into his Fourth Gear Form! 

You soon join up with Luffy as you both charge at Doflamingo, who sends his strings at you guys! 

We get one last look of Dressrosa, which is covered by the Birdcage created by Doflamingo! 

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